Dentist charge more than website listed price

The average salary for a dentist is over €300,000 a year so I wouldn't lose sleep worrying about them starving.

I don’t believe that for a second.

Even the use of the term ‘salary’ shows a lack of understanding of dentistry. In the main, they’re self-employed and they’re not allowed to incorporate under the Dental Act. With the rise of companies like Smiles, people travelling for treatment, and the general economic malaise and aftermath brought about by the Global Financial Crisis, the average wouldn’t be anywhere near €300k.

There are a handful of dentists doing exceptionally well. The majority earn a decent living. But there’s no way that the average is anywhere near €300k.
This from the Irish Dentists Association in 2010 said that average incomes (net of expenses) was €136,709. While their income hasn't gone up much in the last 10 years I doubt it has gone down.
If they were working in someone else's practice their average income was €111,500.

That sounds about right to me. I presume they did the usual and didn't add the value of any pensions they have.

Okay, so not €300,000 then
Have heard some dental clinics eg Smile are now charging a Covid-19 premium to cover PPE, something like €6 to €18 depending on the treatment.
Have heard some dental clinics eg Smile are now charging a Covid-19 premium to cover PPE, something like €6 to €18 depending on the treatment.
Reasonable enough though, isn't it?
It's not their fault that their costs have gone up.