I received no further correspndence from cabot after I asked them for a statement of what was owed before I pay it. The last correspondence was last year when they said the woudl get back to me in ten days. I never followed it up after this (in retrospect I should have, as you will see).
Went to my bank yesterday to apply for a personal loan (car replacement), and it turns out that this has now appeared on the ICB list!! So my loan application is now on hold, for a vehcile I was supposed to collect tomorrow). It will take a few days to get it sorted, but I imagine it will be approved.
Anyway, it seems the 114 euro was written off and recorded on the ICB as a bad debt against me!! Im surprised this was done without my knowledge, considering also the last correspondence I had from cabot was that they would get back to me with a statement, and they never did!!
i now have a bad credit rating!! For 114 euro against me that I jsut wanted a statement on before I paid it!!
The Debt should have been on your ICB long before Cabot got involved.
If you send 6 euro and form to Irish Credit Bureau (you can print them off their site) you will get a breakdown of your Icb .
If it is a case that Cabot added pending clarification you can put note in to explain.