One potential solution for me is instead of extending mortgage interest relief which I have been an advocate for, how about using that money along with a government bond issue or whatever it takes to raise the necessary capital required instead as well as the fact that we own AIB and PTSB and inject money into those 2 banks with specific instructions from the new minister for finance to reduce their SVR rates to somewhere near the EU average. This would surely put serious pressure on the other thieving banks to reduce their rates, the minister is after all representing our interests in these banks or at least he should be. As far as I'm concerned I don't give a damn about it breaking any ECB rules seeing as this country's been fed to the wolves already, it would be about time something was done for the ordinary people instead of senior bond holders and their like. If people in this country are prepared to tolerate high SVR rates and not take to the streets then something radical needs to be done because the banks will sit back for all time on this if let.This would certainly create competition that those greedy so and sos in the likes of BOI would have to take note of. Their recent agm highlighted profits again of which quite an amount comes from us gombeens and which goes into some of the best paid managers pockets, imagine a salary of approx 900,000 a year, nearly 4 times Enda Kennys salary.