DCC & eleven restricted dog breeds

if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....

So this is actually a ban on dogs which look like any of the restricted breeds? Good luck with enforcing that too . . .

I don't actually have a firm view on whether the ban is right or wrong in principle, but it is clearly from a practical point of view unworkable, like so much other half-baked and ill-thought out Irish law. In most cases, these laws aren't even expected to be enforced. They're just a way for the powers that be to give the impression of doing something useful. I'm open to correction, but so far as I know there have never been any prosecutions for failure to observe the requirement for certain breeds to be muzzled in public, or if there have been, they are certainly extremely infrequent.

What might work would be a ban on all dogs over a certain height and/or weight. At least there could be no argument about whether any given animal was affected.
Chill out, Vanilla. :)
Sorry, but I'll take the "working at a loss" with a pinch of salt. Possibly the odd loss-leader for a regular client, but in general I'm sure your profession is recompensed for their efforts, like any other.

Why don't you tell me what your occupation is, let me take a few pot shots at it in an ill-informed manner, tell you you're lying when you respond and then ask you to 'chill out'.
Why don't you tell me what your occupation is, let me take a few pot shots at it in an ill-informed manner, tell you you're lying when you respond and then ask you to 'chill out'.

I'm already chilled.
I'm manager of a joinery company.
Fire away with pot-shots as you see fit.

Your ranting responses say a lot more about you than they do about me.
As does your turning "taking with a pinch of salt" into "telling you you're lying"
As does your snipping of my response which attempted to placate you.

Meanwhile, back to the doggies........
Do you think that this proposal will be implemented down the country? If so I may speed up my plans to build my house and move away from town.
Certainly no talk of it so far, whistler. And I'd be surprised if there was.
Sure, it's different in the country.;)

However, I'm sure the councils of other large towns will be keeping a close eye on this to see how successful it is.