Daytime alcohol ads on RTE Player


Registered User
I was trying to catch up on a program today at lunchtime. I tried unsuccessfully 4 times to watch the program (the ads, funnily enough, loaded fine each time ). Anyway, each lot of ads started with an ad for an alcoholic drink. Does anyone know if this is breaking a law? Does anyone else find this inappropriate from our national broadcaster? (The ads were for Becks, Tia Maria and some Spanish bottled beer).
I had always assumed that alcohol could not be advertised until after some watershed time (9PM?) on RTE TV but seems not to be the case. I couldn't find anything specifically relating to online content.

[broken link removed]

It's good to see the ClubMan back!
Balance has been restored in a little corner of the universe
Was the programme aimed at a young audience?

I'll keep an eye on it for now (in case they're watching). Anyway, the ads look generic enough (perhaps the same ads regardless of program). There were cereal ads earlier but now we've moved onto pizza (at 9.26am). The program still won't launch though..

Lo and behold, at 10.44 (and could be earlier as I haven't checked since) we are back with alcohol advertising. I think this it is highly inappropriate for our national broadcaster to be advertising like this.

The program in question is Room to Improve and the link is here:

Lo and behold, at 10.44 (and could be earlier as I haven't checked since) we are back with alcohol advertising. I think this it is highly inappropriate for our national broadcaster to be advertising like this.

At this time of the day the nations underagers are either in school or working.

Maybe you could argue from a ban from four pm to maybe nine pm
I think this it is highly inappropriate for our national broadcaster to be advertising like this.
Have you considered making a complaint to RTÉ about this? Or at least asking them to clarify their policy on alcohol advertising as it pertains to online content?
Have you considered making a complaint to RTÉ about this? Or at least asking them to clarify their policy on alcohol advertising as it pertains to online content?

I've sent in an email to RTE this will revert with any update..
I've sent in an email to RTE this will revert with any update..

Apart from an auto-reply advising that my email would be responded to as soon as possible, nothing yet. I've emailled again this morning requesting an update. Incidently I've noticed that the first advert no longer seems to be for an alcholic drink. Perhaps this is just due to advert rotation