Duke of Marmalade
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Nice rant. Bondholders are not gamblers, they are the antithesis of gamblers, most risk averse folk indeed.The EU has no business telling us to destroy our country by putting gamblers first, gamblers who understood the rules as surely as I understand the rules when, after passing age and identify verification I enter a casino and put my hard earned cash on the roulette wheel.
What the bondholders didn't realise is that they were lending to gamblers. That the gamblers were allowed to indulge this chicanery was entirely the fault of the Irish regulatory system. There we were, convincing the World to set up in our IFSC, boasting of our well skilled staff our traditions of good governance etc. Goddamit, the name itself "Anglo Irish Bank" smacks of a probity and solidity backed by the country itself and possibly with a hint that it had the backing of our neighbour as well. Our regulator allowed this very pompous deception to be the front for the greatest and worst run casino the world has ever known.
The depth of this infamy was manifested on our national day in 2008. Real professional gamblers spotted the Anglo amateur and greedy versions for what they were and were dumping everything Anglo Irish. Our Regulator stepped in and lambasted this iniquitous plot by short selling hedge funds for trying to undermine those wholesome honest folk down at Stephen's Green. He also issued a statement to any bondholders that might be getting a bit queazy, reassuring them that everything was solid as a rock in that institution. The bondholders were naive, unlike the hedge funds, and swallowed these official reassurances hook, line and sinker.
And you want to blame the foreigners for being so gullable as to fall for this massive fraud which was aided and abetted by the Irish State.:mad: