Data Centres-Cooling Technologies Companies?


Registered User
(Sorry not sure whether this should be in the "investments" section or "alternative investments" one...)

How about "Data Centres-Cooling Technologies Companies"? To my view it's a growing sector:
- global warming to my view is a reality (sigh!)
- the more we all spend time on our smartphones the more the data handling
- the more the data handling the more the risk that processors/servers/storage break down due to overheating
You can google the leaders... Their shares-unit values seem to be constantly increasing... I don't see a reason for a downward trend in the long run unless humanity suddenly changes habits as a whole... (and "my spiritual and ecological side" I would love that...)
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On the one hand, new technology such as AI will drive up the demand for Data Centres, on the other hand, Moores Law will kick in. In effect, Moores law broadly states that the potential power of a chip doubles every 2 years, hence need is driven down so all being equal, we'll need less.
On the one hand, new technology such as AI will drive up the demand for Data Centres, on the other hand, Moores Law will kick in. In effect, Moores law broadly states that the potential power of a chip doubles every 2 years, hence need is driven down so all being equal, we'll need less.
Wow! Thank you!