Cyclists - aghrr

South Mall? Parnell Bridge? Lapps Quay? I don't know that part of Dublin! Sounds like something that could only happen in the Countryside! beat Purple in the usual, lame, predictable, Cork bashing post

Yes, yes he did.

"Town" can only be used on its own when talking about the Capital City. When talking about provincial towns it is best to be specific.

This is an extrordinary comparison.

A cyclist was nearly hit by a car turning in front of him

is compared with

a cyclist crashing a red light.

Exactly how many car drivers have been killed by cyclists?
Exactly how many car drivers have even been injured by cyclists?

Firefly, do you cycle?

Get up on a bike and see what it is like.
Try moving off in traffic at traffic lights.
Try explaining to cars parked in the cycle waiting zone that they are breaking the law and making it dangerous for cyclists. You will get either a blank look or abuse.

Drivers regularly

cut in on cyclists
drive too close to them
drive in the bus lane
park in the cycle lane
wait in the cycle waiting area
drive on their side of the road,
open the door in the path of an oncoming cyclist
turn right or rushes traffic lights in front of a cyclist

The next time you visit Dublin, I will take you on a 30 minute cycle and we will count the number of dangerous incidents by drivers.

I'm a motorist and a cyclist. I concur with some of the writers here and have seen lunatic motorists and lunatic cyclists. Every motorist/cyclist knows what to do if there is an earthquake or a tsunami disaster along the road. But, very few know how to exert some common sense.

I cycle every night and all day at weekends. I have yet to go out and see all cyclists with working front and rear lights. It is so long since I saw a cyclist showing hand signals that I wonder if it is illegal for me to do so.

. . . and motorists how often do you see one shoving on the brakes and seconds later the indicator just to make sure the driver behind has little or no chance of avoiding a collision.

When many motorists and cyclists go out on the public roads they leave common sense behind and all in the hope of arriving at the destination a millisecond earlier. We have a police force who will have you fined for eating an apple while waiting at traffic lights but will do nothing when a motorist or cyclist does something stupid which could leave somebody dead.
There is very little that a cyclist can do which would leave someone dead, other than themselves.

it's a completely false comparison.

What about the impact on a driver that kills a cyclist, because the cyclist broke a red light? Devastating I'd say.

Red lights shouldn't be broken by drivers or cyclists

Also, what about the safety of pedestrians? I've had a few close calls with cyclists going through a pedestrian crossing when I had a green man to cross
Some weeks ago we had some dreadful ice which put every road user in danger. But, in those times drivers became courteous and obviously more careful.

It is a pity that that courtesy and care could not have continued after the ice.
There is very little that a cyclist can do which would leave someone dead, other than themselves.

it's a completely false comparison.

Incitement to road rage is sufficient unto itself. I have to cross a one way bridge very often which is controlled by traffic lights and have never, not even once, seen a cyclist stop at the red light.
I I have to cross a one way bridge very often which is controlled by traffic lights and have never, not even once, seen a cyclist stop at the red light.

I presume that the cyclists travelling behind ALWAYS see you sticking rigidly to the speed limit, and never exceeding it - right?

I just found it highly ironic that the cyclist who was almost knocked down (by accident), 20 seconds later deliberately broke the lights in one of our busiest junctions and, by doing so, cut across 2 lanes of traffic coming from his right.

Firefly, do you cycle?

Of course I don't, it's too dangerous

I take your can't be easy for a cyclist in our unban towns. As a pedestrian though it's a lot easier to notice cyclists over/undertaking you on a footpath.
You do stick to the speed limit at all times - right? And you never use your phone when driving - right? No a-la-carting for you, I presume?

Sorry to disappoint you but I do keep to the speed limits the best I can and no I don't use my phone when driving..I pull in.
So does 'best I can' mean that you break the speed limit some of the time?

Of course it does, but I don't intentionally do it. This can easily happen on a motorway when I creep past the 120 kmh limit or in an urban area where there are no speed signs and I'm not sure if it's a 50 or 60 limit.
Of course it does, but I don't intentionally do it. This can easily happen on a motorway when I creep past the 120 kmh limit or in an urban area where there are no speed signs and I'm not sure if it's a 50 or 60 limit.
But if a cyclist 'creeps past' a red light or a stop sign, they should be hung,drawn and quartered - right?
Did I say that any should be ignored?

But now that you mention it - travelling at 31kph in a 30kph zone in Dublin City centre is far less dangerous than constantly looking down looking at the speedo to make sure you're crawling along at that crazy speed limit (which, IMO, some cyclists also break).
My pet hate about motorists is when they see a cyclist just ahead of them and decide to give them a wide berth,forgetting that" HELLO "there are cars on the other side of the road.

They seem to think they are being very kind to the cyclist by giving them a wide berth but could up end killing a car full of people in the process.It just doesn't make sense.

And of course they do it not for the care of the cyclist but to get by them as quickly as possible!
Ok, so is it you that decides for all of us, or do we each make our own sensible decisions?