Walking through town at lunchtime today a cyclist was nearly hit by a car turning in front of him into a car parking space. The driver of the car was elderly and obviously didn't see him.
The cyclist then proceeded through the red lights and at a cross junction and also cut across traffic coming from his right.
This is an extrordinary comparison.
A cyclist was nearly hit by a car turning in front of him
is compared with
a cyclist crashing a red light.
Exactly how many car drivers have been killed by cyclists?
Exactly how many car drivers have even been injured by cyclists?
Firefly, do you cycle?
Get up on a bike and see what it is like.
Try moving off in traffic at traffic lights.
Try explaining to cars parked in the cycle waiting zone that they are breaking the law and making it dangerous for cyclists. You will get either a blank look or abuse.
Drivers regularly
cut in on cyclists
drive too close to them
drive in the bus lane
park in the cycle lane
wait in the cycle waiting area
drive on their side of the road,
open the door in the path of an oncoming cyclist
turn right or rushes traffic lights in front of a cyclist
The next time you visit Dublin, I will take you on a 30 minute cycle and we will count the number of dangerous incidents by drivers.