Unemployment Benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II) / Social Benefit (Sozialgeld)
All persons capable of work and eligible for benefits can receive unemployment benefit II (Alg II) from the age of 15 years until the legally stipulated age limit between 65 and 67 years. Persons not capable of work can receive social benefit. Alg II and social benefit are benefits to secure a livelihood. Legislation determined to what each individual is entitled to in the so-called "normal requirement" (Regelbedarf).
Normal requirement
The normal requirement globally covers the costs of food, clothing, household energy (without heating and warm watergeneration), personal hygiene, household effects, needs of everyday life, as well as to a reasonable extent also relations to theenvironment and participation in cultural life.
Singles, single parents, as well as adults with a minor partner are entitled to the full amount of normal requirement. Since 1January 2016, this is EUR 404 for all of Germany. The normal requirement for adult partners is EUR 364. Children younger than 6years receive EUR 237. Between 6 and including 13 years of age this is EUR 270. Children and young persons between 14 and 17 years receive EUR 306. For young adults from 15years on and below 25 years who live with their parents or who moved without the positive assertion of the municipal authority, this is EUR 324.
Young adults who are 25 years and older must file their own application for (Alg II), regardless of the fact whether they live in their own flat or with their parents. Persons living in their ownhousehold form a separate benefit community (BG) if they are at least 15 years old.
Social benefit
Persons not capable of work but in need of assistance receive social benefit, if a least one person capable of work but in need of assistance lives in their benefit community.
Accommodation and heating
The costs of accommodation and heating are, if they are reasonable, borne to the amount of the actual expenses.
If you own a house or a flat, the costs of accommodation include the costs connected with it, however, not the amortization payment for credits.
Persons below 25 years who want to move out of their parents' home only receive a refund of the costs of accommodation and heating, if the municipal authority agreed to the move. This agreement can be obtained from the contact persons responsible for your benefits. Agreement needs to be obtained if
- the persons concerned cannot live with their parents for "severe social reasons",
- the move is necessary for the integration in the labour market or
- another severe reason exists.
Non-recurring benefits
Beyond the normal requirement you can receive non-recurring benefits as credit, cash or non-cash benefit for
- initial equipment of the flat including household devices,
- initial equipment for clothing (also for pregnancy and birth) and
- the acquisition and repair of medical devices and renting of therapeutical devices.