Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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It's an overnight rate, so the current rate is what the bank get charged for what they owe on any given night regardless of what rate the money was originally borrowed at.

Otherwise all the 1980's/90's mortgage would still be on 10+% interest rates today.

Hence banks raise/lower the rates they charge their customers on loans in line with the ECB rate to maintain their margin.
Agreed (from the bits I heard). Did he mention "strong vigilance"? I got quite of lot of streaming interruptions while watching online so missed portions of his speech.

Nope. Also, I posted the summary paragraph above if you want the overview.

What about the so called carry trade ? Low IR Yen etc.
Let hope he stamps on this cr8p we've been hearing in the media about there being no rate rises in '07.

I think he's left the door wide open for hikes in 2007 should they be required with the talk of medium-term inflation risks.

From what I've read here he certainly hasn't said anything to reassure the media that they're right about no hikes in 2007.
ECB raised rates today -- will help anchor expectations - rates still accommodative, progressive withdrawal of accommodation warranted if scenario develops as expect - will continue to monitor very closely.

Economic analysis. Economic recovery more broad-based will moderate somewhat but still grow around potential with some volatility in growth around the turn of the year. Balanced risks short-term but long-term risks down.

HICP - Inflation likely be volatile short-term rising up to end of year and in early 2007. Favourable GDP momentum and higher wages mean clear upside risks going forward.Money and liquidity. Confirms inflation risks to upside in the medium-term. Liquidity is ample by all measure. Requires careful monitoring. Property market developments strong in some countries.
VIEW: 'Holding' post rate rise statement which leaves open the possibility of a follow up rate rise on 7th December. No discernible alteration to ECB stance. Broadly wait and see. No strong vigilance mention means no November rate rise.

Thanks for that! That would make sense.

Dont focus too much on yields. Doesnt really matter what the future yields are when the capital is depreciating.
Don't think all of the last rate rise was passed on by all lenders. This one will have to be though...........

Sentiment has changed very very quickly. Its only a few weeks ago that bulls were declaring this thread as a boring rehash and should be closed. Alot of opinion here has been bang on the money...

Will we ever again see queues for property ....
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Jaysis Plaudit we dont need a ticker from bloomberg via this thread, just give us a summary in one post afterwards.
Will we ever again see queues for property ....

Of course we will! But it'll be many years away & there'll be crash on the way first. Anyone who is a bull these days is simply denying the existence of economic cycles.
Seems to be a lot of new build apartments for sale at moment and more launching every week.

Incredible amount the the IT's supplement today. Does anyone know if they are priced more cheaply than other ones to be released, say 6 months ago?
Seems to be a lot of new build apartments for sale at moment and more launching every week.
I thought the same too. A lot in the IT today.Is this a time of the year when new builds are planned to arrive on the market?
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