Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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Has any else noticed nearly every single SUV/car bought in 05/06 is black, some with tinted windows. Passat/PATHFINDER/BMW5. Black is the new silver, lol
Its a basic equation, over 200 remortages per day = explosion of SUV's/4X4's and assorted appendages of conspicuous consumption.
i heard that benchmarking for the public service can decrease their pay in bad times? any truth in this? relevance - many bought thinking their jobs and pay would be secure.
So you're a bull, then?

...well if one is trying to draw conclusions on how the housing market is going based upon the colour of cars then yes this thread has certainly run its course....

Has any else noticed nearly every single SUV/car bought in 05/06 is black, some with tinted windows. Passat/PATHFINDER/BMW5. Black is the new silver, lol

...nuff said
...well if one is trying to draw conclusions on how the housing market is going based upon the colour of cars then yes this thread has certainly run its course....
Ah ninsaga, my favourite crokman. How often have you called to have this thread closed down? The bulls are starting to get panicky now, so I expect a lot more of these type of posts. Once again, if you don't like the discussion, start your own called "property prices, the only way is up, baby", with its own kinky boyz soundtrack.

i heard that benchmarking for the public service can decrease their pay in bad times? any truth in this? relevance - many bought thinking their jobs and pay would be secure.

well I'm assuming that the vast majority of those in the private sector - who would outnumber the public sector hugely - might be in the same boat. After all, if they thought their jobs weren't secure, they'd hardly have bought. Or do you have a special secret report that says 94% of all housebuyers in 2005 were State employees?
ah all you doom mongers should just stop repoting all these asking price falls, slow market etc, dont you know bubble bertie the bumbling builders buddy sayz tings are gettin boomier!
..there has been a bunch of Romanians in Cork for years...long before the Polish & Latvians arrived.

Why would they not want to come...sure for any non national who does not work here they get well looked after with state benefits.

Actually they build our houses, mind our kids, serve our food and are entitled to no State benefits if they don't work here - unless they are legitimate asylum seekers.

Focus group research done by the political parties shows that many people in Cork believe the department of social welfare give Romanians free prams, and buy cars for Nigerians. But intelligent people posting here wouldn't peddle such silly racist tosh, would they?

My point is, what else can be said here that has not been said already. Some posters don't even bother hosting discussion..just pointing to (the same old) links on other websites.

Added to that if the best way of keeing this thread going is talking about the colour of cars ("lol" as the poster put it!) then it certainly has run its course!

..some are here to work...some are here for the hand outs...for which our guvment provide without any qualms ..... how many of these (polish/latvians/russians excluded) do you know that don;t have medical cards?

In a thread with thousands of posts, a little side tracking from time to time is not just acceptable, its essential. As for repeating posts, a property crash isn't a weekend event, it takes months or longer. So there is bound to be a little redundancy.

Stop picking on people and add something to the thread, or be off with you.
ECB's Weber Says ECB to Show `Strong Vigilance' on Inflation

"European Central Bank council member Axel Weber said inflation will remain 'strong' into 2008,
indicating policy makers will extend their effort to raise interest rates into next year."

Edit : Almost forgot to include some "discussion" for Ninsaga - it looks like interest rates are going to rise above 3.5% into next year.
..some are here to work...some are here for the hand outs...for which our guvment provide without any qualms ..... how many of these (polish/latvians/russians excluded) do you know that don;t have medical cards?


Eh, all of them.

Workers from the new EU states have been excluded from social welfare rights here. Those on work permits are excluded from free medical care, education and social welfare entitlements as well.

And they don't get free buggies nor free cars either. And they don't bleed lambs in their front gardens and eat their children.

You are entitled to feel uncomfortable about the number of foreigners here, but don't spread old wives tales.

...thank you for reaffirming & agreeing my point then ie. that this has now become a side tracked discussion with a level of redundancy.

Stop picking on people and add something to the thread, or be off with you.

please rearrange the following words in the right order then.... kettle, black, pot

Well lets agree on some things ( ie the lambs & the children stuff anyways) and agree to differ on others. Maybe you have not ..but I have witnessed where the social services provide these handouts.

If your read my thread again you may pick soemthing out of it..but just in case not..... I stated that some are here to work - I have no problem with that - just in case you think otherwise - irrespective of race, colour or creed.
...thank you for reaffirming & agreeing my point then ie. that this has now become a side tracked discussion with a level of redundancy.
Says he merrily discussing social welfare scams on a property thread. I won't feed the trolls any further, but neither will you get this thread closed.

Says he merrily discussing social welfare scams on a property thread. I won't feed the trolls any further, but neither will you get this thread closed.

What...someone challanges where this thread is going & you call it trolling.... oh I see, so you want to keep this a "bear back-slapping" thread then is it...with the odd offline topic.....(say anyone know what the latest fashion trend is in Japan - what car colour is 'in' over there....yawn).

ths thread can get a bit woolly sometimes but usually gets back on track fairly quickly when some new statistics or news appears. The PTSB/ESRI results out soon should re-focus everyone's attention. Why not come back and have a look then
I know that several people on here were somewhat disappointed recently when on "The last word" last week, Matt Cooper was discussing house prices. Unfortunately he had 2 vested interest bulls, (can't remember exactly who) who naturally backed each others everything is fine keep spending stories.
Its funny how nobody has brought up with Matt that about 40% of TodayFMs adds come from Banks/Property websites/Auctioneers. Just have a listen at any time to Today fm and hear the shocking amount of vested interest adds at any time of the day or night. Not surprising he's afraid to have a real debate on the subject with someone like Mcwilliams or one of the editors of Finfacts.
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