Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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"Over a 50% drop" eh? A drop to below the cost of building the place in most cases. Did you just pluck that figure out from thin air?

I'm quite bearish myself but I have to laugh at your ridiculous predictions. We haven't seen any significant signs of inventory build-up and already you are calling for a huge correction.

You will see these kind of drops (and probably worse) but they are at least two years off yet.

Housing has undoubtedly gone bear in the U.S. and they are only taking about falls in prices occuring next year!

If a 1 bed flat in commuter land cost €250k last year, then it will probably cost about €275k now. For your prediction to come true, the seller will need to drop his asking price from €275k to €150k. A drop of 45% by the seller.

Where is the motivation for such an enormous drop going to come from?

Making these kind of massive, stock market crash style predictions for the short term looks foolish and provides much ammunition for the bulls.
Anyone considered forwarding examples of widespread concealed asking price reductions to the Indo ?

I would think there's a story there.

Besides they might be happy to report to the public how facilitates EAs reducing asking prices surreptitously.
just caught up on the last 10 pages, took a bit of time but I have read the whole lot so far. There's lots of interesting comments and I hope I can add something meaningful.

I got off the property merry go round in January. I live in Dublin and on my return from a year away I sold my only property which was in Cork. It had been rented for 2 of the 3 years I owned it. The sum remaining on the mortgage was half the sale price of 300k. - 2 other properties in the estate that have been put up for sale since have'nt sold, one (which was bigger and had a garage) was for nearly 400k a few weeks after mine and the sale fell through because the purchaser could'nt raise the funds, the other is still on the market for 300k.

My tenants covered the rent and other costs and paid my ssia for 2 years, one of which I wasnt working. I sold the house with the contents so I presume the purchaser is renting it out. If the new owner got a 100% mortgage there would be a shortfall of 400 over what current (reduced) rental would deliver. I know of others who are buying to let and are covering the shortfall themselves in the hope that the sale will deliver a windfall like others have realised. I think this is total madness as after costs and cgt they need a big increase to break even. These people have other properties already so are especially vulnerable to interest rate increases.

I bought the property because I was unable to afford or justify buying in Dublin. I had a good salary and some help from my parents at a time when property was still reasonable in Cork relative to Dublin.

My reasons for selling were as follows:
  • on returning from travelling I couldnt believe what I was told the place was valued.
  • my tenants were moving out of the house and the company that was renting it were looking for lower rents for their other tenants in a few houses the town.
  • the bypass was finishing and it was expected to have a negative affect on rentals in the town.
  • I would kick myself if the price dropped and I never took the profits - I wont get upset if I see the same house go for more money.
  • I was probably never going to live there.
  • I am sceptical about Ireland's economy and its reliance on corporate America - if the finfacts article is anything to go by and 87% of our exports are by american companies this country is being propped up by people with no allegiance to any country. My job got outsourced in part to india before I left the country. I don't see any reason why many of those companies would stay here in the long run with US govt looking for their money from the likes of symantec, avg engineer wages 400 euros a month in poland (rte news) and america itself being gutted by outsourcing /
  • I am not convinced there is that much real money in ireland and have no idea how people are going to deal with a global downturn and layoffs. I am according to the irish independent in the top 10% of earners. I cannot figure how people can affort to buy these suv's and odius apartments with concierges like 'city living comparable to london and new york' - read the advertising... - the developers must be having some laugh, unbelievable - have these people who are 'registering their interest' given any thought to how they would pay their 2000 euro mortgages when interest rates increase and/or if they found themselves unable to find work or if the dollar crashed.
I have the money in the bank and took some advice from a financial adviser. I have some in gold and I will probably pay some into a pension and an equities fund.

I sometimes consider moving to germany again. I saw well built aparments in Berlin that are rented for 400 euros a month between 3 people! I am not considering buying to let. I speak German and lived there for 2 years so I would consider going back and living there in relative comfort (my definition of comfort doesnt involve getting ripped off on houses, cars, groceries, alcohol). Australia was'nt for me and theres not a lot going on in new zealand. America is out of the question right now.

I am not relying on a spectacular crash so that I can get back on 'the ladder' in a hurry but I do expect it will happen. This comes from many of the books and websites that I read. I know you can find anything out there to support any view but my gut feeling is scepticism. The media in ireland in the last month have become quite worried. The purchase of by the irish times reminds me of mania that I was surrounded by and involved in. McWilliams book is pop-economics but he did lead me to reading about hyman minsky - I took this link from another great thread on aam [broken link removed]

This one is from newsletter and the author of 'empire of debt'. Apologies for the length but I did'nt want to edit it. The bit from the guy in the FT is interesting.

Bill Bonner, en vacances in France:
"Over a 50% drop" eh? A drop to below the cost of building the place in most cases. Did you just pluck that figure out from thin air?

never mind the cost of building, its simply the opportunity cost of the long commute over the short commute .

outer commuter belt of whatever town will get it hardest .
never mind the cost of building, its simply the opportunity cost of the long commute over the short commute .

outer commuter belt of whatever town will get it hardest .

Please explain, not following your arguement on how you are comming up with "over a 50%" drop....

I really dont think you'll see places for sale for less than the cost of the build, it does matter.

Some of the figures and claims thrown around on this thread are crazy, I thought this was for rational intelligent discussion, not tabloid type claims.

I'm sorry if I make you laugh, but I'm prepared to stick by what I predicted above. Unlike the US, the Irish market has a huge speculative element to it, driven mainly by incentive schemes such as section 23 coupled with a non-sensical property culture (or lingering 19th century Irish inferiority complex as I like to call it - new-found-wealth investors also suffer from this mindset).

I was being conservative above with my price drop in suburban 3 and 4 bed houses - they are certainly not immune either, but I gave them a only a 10% drop because the investor element is not as prominent in this class of housing (unlike section 23 flats). Ultimately I can see around a 50% drop in such 3 and 4 bed suburban houses over the next 3 years, depending on the economic performance. Whilst I agree that certain property classes are sticky on the way down, investment properties certainly are not sticky and with a huge supply of housing (far outstripping the population increase) there is a massive speculative element to the market that will result in a rapid price correction

Do you mean because MyHome is owned by the Irish Times???
I really dont think you'll see places for sale for less than the cost of the build, it does matter.

Why not? - even at the height of our current boom it would cost more than €55,000 to rebuild that house in O'Malley park but it's selling for "just" €55,000. The value of a property is not simply related to the build cost.

Also - in a construction recession, building costs would be reduced significantly due to builders competing in a tougher market.

Good read.I think my sentiment is similar to yours in that i spent a number of years in Australia and came back last year. I also sold my rented house at the beginning of this year. I too realised the substantial profiit i could realise and was not going to risk that on, from what i could see, an inflated asset. (Interesting that you should mention Gold. I am currently researching that (have invested the bulk of my proceeds elsewhere) but not so sure of the current price. If you could add more info in the gold thread i'd appreciate it)

I am on about the original build cost, not rebuild costs.

Now back to this over 50% figure you magically whizzed up, how did you get that?

Well we'll wait and see I guess. I'll be very surprised if we even see falling prices this year, given that prices have jumped about 12% already. As for the U.S. not having a "huge speculative element" to their housing development? You couldn't be more wrong.

Do you not remember all those ads in the Sunday Times property supplement for condos in Florida?

Seriously, making outrageous claims like these just makes bears look stupid.
I am on about the original build cost, not rebuild costs.

Now back to this over 50% figure you magically whizzed up, how did you get that?

I didn't come up with any 50% figure.

Why do you believe that a property can't go below original build cost?

Great post langball but wouldn't go shouting about paying into SSIA while not normally resident in the state.
I am on about the original build cost, not rebuild costs.
It is completely irrelevant so i will not even answer that.
Now back to this over 50% figure you magically whizzed up, how did you get that?
peripherality factors.

As energy costs rise the Irish commuter belts 30 -50 miles out in little villages with no services will tank. Simple really .

These peripheral commuter belts will see the greatest falls and thats where the 50% drops will be because there will be far more sellers than buyers and the price will be set by whoever bails out last .

Inner commuter belts less so.

Good close to employment areas less so again.
Ok, so you have a hunch that prices will fall, but you dont know by how much or why, and you are basically have a wild guess. Right, that clears that up then.

I would go and search for the theory behind the "over 50%" figure but there are over 2000 posts in this thread and I somehome dont think its worth the effort.

My point is try to keep the discussion factual or at least based on solid reasoning.

It would probably more realistic to claim that the prices would fall back to 2000/2001 levels. However, that would probably still work out around 50%
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