Current cleric report spiked?

  • Thread starter Chocks away
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Bishop of Killaloe Willie Walsh today hit out over calls for a colleague to resign in the wake of a sickening report into clerical child sex abuse and cover-ups.
Bishop Walsh refused to back growing demands for senior clergy named and shamed to stand down and claimed damning findings were being misread..

They are still at it.... Why should the Bishop resign... We have just read the report wrong.... We "children" should just accept that the church is there to help us and we are sheep and they are our shepards.
This is just adding salt to the wound.
Surprised at Willie Walsh as usually he's very forthright no nonsense. Bishop Murray should either come out figthing and challenge the report, or else accept its findings - i.e. "inexcusable" - and resign.

Murray's "If I have....", is infuriating. How can you apologise if you're not accepting you did wrong?? This is too serious a matter for people not to go. Leaving it up to the congregation is a cop out - people who know him think he's a nice fella, well thats fair enough but when monumental mistakes are made there have to be consequences.

They are in danger of making the situation must worse by underreacting. I'd also echo the sentiment that what is the Vatican doing about this??, is it all just flag waving and kissing the tarmac, or shouldnt they be getting the finger out when their church is falling into serious disrepute.
15 priests and a number of lay people have come out tonight demanding that Bishop Murray doesn't resign.

Only in Ireland.
In the light of the instructions to bishops by the Vatican to subvert Irish law (by dealing with accusations of criminal acts under cannon law rather than Irish law), should the state now break off diplomatic relations with the Vatican, withdraw our ambassador, close out embassy there and expel the Papal Nuncio?

Yes, but even without the Murphy report, why the heck do we have an embassy in the Vatican and one in Rome as well anyway? Purely on cost savings, we should be closing one of them.
Yes, but even without the Murphy report, why the heck do we have an embassy in the Vatican and one in Rome as well anyway? Purely on cost savings, we should be closing one of them.
I agree.
I'm sure that if the vatican found out that one of it's members did not believe in God/virgin birth/infallability, then that member would be excommunicated, ie expelled from the organisation. Their papal nuncio does not adhere to or believe the laws of our land, so, should be chucked out forthwith. As for sending the encyclicals in latin ????? I wonder if they would accept multiples of Semunciae for saying mass

What politician has enough backbone to do this? Has the government ordered the papal nuncio to respond immediately to the commission?

How many posters on here are still doing the false membership of the Catholic Church for their inlaws and places at good schools?

What Church member named in the report has done the right thing.

I can't think of any organisation that is more evil than the Catholic Church. I actually can't.
What Church member named in the report has done the right thing.

He's not named in the report but I've said this before on here, and I'll say it again, i think Diarmaid Martin deserves a huge amount of credit for what he has done since he came back to Ireland.
I'm sure that if the vatican found out that one of it's members did not believe in God/virgin birth/infallability, then that member would be excommunicated, ie expelled from the organisation.

No no no, they don't expel them for that. They expel them for things like being with a woman, for that is the truly evil deed. Doing it with a man is fine though. Also fine is raping children, abusing children, fathering children and abandoning them, bringing their lovers to have abortions no you won't be expelled for that. You'll be forgiven for those crimes, the rape of multiple innocent children shall be covered up and forgiven says the Lord, indeed you shall be moved somewhere else so you can rape again and again, you shall be hidden away and the child shall be known as a liar, the one who led you on for the devil was in the child.
He's not named in the report but I've said this before on here, and I'll say it again, i think Diarmaid Martin deserves a huge amount of credit for what he has done since he came back to Ireland.

Do you not see that Martin has been very carefully selected?

What exactly is he to be credited with?

I know that you are quoting the Lord as saying these things, but do you not think that it was evil and weak men that allowed these things. To say it is the word of the Lord is to say that all priests are evil and allow such things to happen. Is that what you believe to be true? Do you think that every last priest is evil by association and would also allow these things things to happen?
I can think of far more evil organisations, especially given that this organisation doesn't promote what happened even if the top men did allow it.
I couldn't give a toss about the nature of the organisation or bishops resigning etc. A foreign country has attempted to usurp the primacy of the law of the land in this country in an effort to frustrate the investigation of heinous criminal acts. That is an attack on the sovereignty of this republic by a foreign power if we don’t act then the Unionists in Northern Ireland will have been shown to be right; Dublin rule is Rome Rule.
Why is there any discussion about bishops resigning? Whether a bishop or bishops resign is irrelevant. Does anyone think that if a swimming instructor covered up the rape of a child we would accept his resignation as an appropriate redress? I want to see these men in prison, let them wear their black robes and silk hats in Mountjoy if they want, just leave them there ‘till they die.
Do you think that every last priest is evil by association and would also allow these things things to happen?
But they DID allow these things to happen, and they covered it up. They perpetuated it. It makes them as evil as those that did it.

My understanding is that not reporting a rape of a child is not a crime any more, so what would you jail them for? It was removed from the statue books in the last few years. According to VOR on another thread, the misprision of felony was removed from the statute books in 1998 by Nora Owen.

Anyone know what would happen if an ordinary citizen or a person in charge (teacher/principal/priest) covered up the rape of a child. What offence if any would this be?
But they DID allow these things to happen, and they covered it up. They perpetuated it. It makes them as evil as those that did it.
I agree with this. But the whole thing about confessing (in a dark box) and being absolved should be scrapped. That lets the church off the hook nicely. You commit a crime, you do the time. The church should not undermine the authority of the state. A "state" within a state has a very destabilising effect. These "great men of the cloth" have been shown to be lowdown cowards once stripped of their Godly aura.
I have my suspicions that you are going to see a Papal visit been announced shortly. I would hope that the Irish people make their views known that he is not welcome until the Vatican come clean about their involvement in the disgusting and illegal actions both here in Ireland and in other Countries. At this stage, I would be more willing to go onto the streets to welcome the Queen than the Pope!
the church is in decline because years of this stuff, its greed, the level brutality, the abject contradicitons in its teachings, sh&t like limbo (oh that wasnt really true sorry about that). Some people ask wahy such a savage attack on the catholic church... can they not see why. This report insnt out of the blue and there are many more to come. Look down through the years and the widespread child abuse and brutallity. Its the beginning of the end for the church and supporters of the church have to see why that is the case. Did anyone see the frontline last night and that lady in the front row , Mary I think... I think she put a few more nails in the coffin and accelerated its decline.

Spot on.
Do you not see that Martin has been very carefully selected?

What exactly is he to be credited with?

By facilitiating getting all of this out in the open, by not being obstructive and obtusive like his predecesors and being the first bishop in Dublin in a century to both do the right thing and to seem genuinely remorseful for it. If his predecesors had acted like him, this could and would have been stopped decades ago.