Current Annuity Rates in Ireland?

Are these fees really available?
Pot is circa 400k after tax free lump sum.
If he is happy to choose his own ARF funds and risk level he could open an execution only ARF....

He should be able to get a deal with no set up fee, 100% allocation and 0.5% annual management charge.

There's ARF pricing available on a few execution only websites. In some cases you may have to engage with the intermediary to nail down an exact AMC based on fund size, with a specific provider . In other cases the (minimum) levels of funds are quoted alongside fund specific AMCs from various providers - 0.50% to 0.65%. But, you have to know exactly what you're looking for.
I am not sure if he has the confidence or knowledge to go down the exexcution only route so if an ARF is the choice I think he will probably use an intermediary. IMHO he hasn’t great confidence in his current financial advisor either as if he had he wouldn’t be requesting advice here.

One thing that I forgot to mention, is that he also told me is that he has the option to defer drawing it down until next year on his 61st birthday. He currently is still working, but looking at retiring and will still be in the higher tax bracket for now.

He very much appreciates your honesty and valued opinions. Thank you
There's usually a scale of enhanced GARs if you kick out the retirement age. Just one year wouldn't be normal. But, I never had any dealings with Royal Liver so I'm not sure. Tell him to take his time with the decision and find out more about the implications for deferral.