Crystal Swing on Late late

Great news for all you Crystal Swing Fans out there, Mary's not leaving! She seemingly did an interview with some reporter and but he took the story up wrong. So would'nt want to believe all we read on the papers.
Sorry Manto and I thought I was cheering people up in the midst of all the doom and gloom!!
I reckon the mother in Crystal Swing and Yvonne (Ronans Ex) are one in te same person going on latest photographs.
I've been to one of their shows and they were absolutely fantastic!! They were on stage for almost 2 hours. They now have a 5 piece backing band and mother Mary does'nt play anymore just sings. They'll be on Nationwide May 26th. Really looking forward to tonights Late Late already!!!!
Maybe tonight will be a life changing experience for you mathepac when you see them again!!!!!!!!
I don't watch the Turbidity show - I can't control the gag reflex - so I'll miss them TG. Alaska looks nice and is unexclamated.
I don't watch the Turbidity show - I can't control the gag reflex - so I'll miss them TG. Alaska looks nice and is unexclamated.

I am ashamed of myself, I couldnt resist and tuned in - dear god - i will never get those few minutes of my life back.

Sorry Ash, I know you are a fan ;)
... - dear god - i will never get those few minutes of my life back...
You poor thing. I can PM you with the number of a good counsellor who runs a Brendan Shine / Neil Diamond / Big Tom recovery group, would that be helpful?
Well goodness, gracious me .

I'm very much afraid that even short-term exposure leads to the rapid onset and development of treatment-resistant cuppateawithmeandmymammyitis. A novena to St. Jude is all I can offer.
Good harmless fun. Gotta admire how upbeat they are. More power to them - they are not one of these manufactured bands.