6 6060842 Guest 9 Mar 2012 #22 The drawee bank do not know or care how the cheque was negotiated. They cannot bounce a cheque based on this.
The drawee bank do not know or care how the cheque was negotiated. They cannot bounce a cheque based on this.
P pauly1818 Guest 1 Aug 2012 #23 crossed cheque just a quick one i have a cheque with three names on it and it is crossed my bank acc has two names of the three will me bank change it
crossed cheque just a quick one i have a cheque with three names on it and it is crossed my bank acc has two names of the three will me bank change it
P Padraigb Registered User Messages 1,738 1 Aug 2012 #24 If it is a general crossing, they should (which is not quite the same as "they will"). Get all three payees to endorse it.
If it is a general crossing, they should (which is not quite the same as "they will"). Get all three payees to endorse it.