Critical Illness Cover


Registered User
I have a CI policy that I've been paying for around 8 years now.

Last week I requested a list of illnesses covered/ not covered by teh policy and had an email response that they would send on a copy of my policy document. I already have a copy of this and it's vague to say the least. For example it states that "some cancers" are covered. Not very helpful.

Are they obliged to provide clear and accurate information at all?
Last week I requested a list of illnesses covered/ not covered by teh

I doubt that they can send a definative list of illnesses not covered - there are potentially an infinite number of diseases many of which have not yet been recorded by science.
They surely have a list of what is covered/ not covered today based on current medical science?
I doubt that they can send a definative list of illnesses not covered - there are potentially an infinite number of diseases many of which have not yet been recorded by science.

No, but they should certainly be able to send you a list of exactly what IS covered.

csirl - Are you sure you're not mixing up Critical Illness with Income Protection? The latter covers a potentially infinite number of illnesses - anything that keeps you out of work for longer than the chosen deferred period.

But Critical Illness cover (or Specified Serious Illness cover as I prefer to call it) only covers specified illnesses. The insurance company should be able to send you precise policy conditions. After all, if you needed to make a claim, how are they going to determine whether or not the type of cancer, for example, is covered?

I'd read over the policy conditions booklet.
The document you want is your Policy Conditions booklet. This is a small booklet and should have been sent to you when you took out the policy. It will (at least should) outline the specific illnesses covered. If you haven't got a copy, request one.

You will not get a definitive list of illnesses not covered. CI normally covers a very small range of very specific illnesses (only) - all others, no matter how serious - are NOT covered.

Be aware though, that Insurance Cos have "hurdles" (my word for it) that have to be passed before they pay out, e.g. Prostate Cancer may have to have a specific high grade (Gleason Score) before they payout AND this "hurdle" may not appear in any documents that you have been given and you may only find this out after you have submitted a claim. IMHO this is most unfair as one generally does not have "a slight touch of cancer"
Be aware though, that Insurance Cos have "hurdles" (my word for it) that have to be passed before they pay out, e.g. Prostate Cancer may have to have a specific high grade (Gleason Score) before they payout AND this "hurdle" may not appear in any documents that you have been given and you may only find this out after you have submitted a claim. IMHO this is most unfair as one generally does not have "a slight touch of cancer"

While I agree that cancer is something that you either have or don't, there are some form of cancers that thankfully do not render you critically ill, e.g. people can have small external malignant tumours removed without any requirement for radiotherapy etc. The purpose of Critical Illness cover is to pay out a lump sum in the event of your becoming critically ill. If they were to cover more minor illnesses, the cost would go up.
I spoke directly to the agent for this policy and found out exactly what illnesses are curently covered.
They actually cover all cancers except melanoma (unless this is terminal whereby they pay in full).