Kaplan- now you're just making things up as you go along. Firstly you say 'Irish credit unions have never paid market prices for savings', then you say 'a high dividend rate (4% V market prices of <2%)'.
Credit unions most definitely are not permitted to offer credit cards, overdrafts or revolving credit and it is misleading to state otherwise. Sounds to me more like anti credit union propaganda than any serious point on credit union reform.
The regulatory reserve ratio IS 10%, not 'to be 10%'.
By the way, if the Yes vote in the Lisbon treaty had been 88%, I think we'd all agree that would be the 'vast majority'.
The credit union representative bodies are not showing great leadership and should be strongly advocating modernisation and reform of the movement. There is a great opportunity for credit unions now to offer a real alternative to the corrupt and broken banking system.
500 credit unions is simply too many and ILCU and CUDA should be showing leadership by encouraging credit unions to merge and rationalise in order to gain from economies of scale and in order to be able to offer more services on an economic basis.
One hopes that the review of credit unions ordered by the Minister for Finance will consider introducing long needed reforms, but I suspect that the review is not being done in the best interests of credit unions, but for the benefit of other vested interests.