Credit reference bureau


New Member
Hi i had loan with Ulster Bank for 4000 5 years ago i paid it back but owed 1900 which i repaid to the auditor.
But now i cannot get a loan from a credit union or a BANK.
I am 72 singleand need upkeep for house heating. Tks in advance for any ideas.
When did you clear the €1900 arrears? That will remain on your credit record for up to five years after you've paid it off.

Your past arrears may not be the only limiting factor. Any of the normal retail lenders will assess your ability to repay any loan by looking at your current income and outgoings.

What level of 'upkeep' are we taking about?

If your can't borrow from a bank or credit union have you any family who can help?

If you own your own home a lifetime loan from the likes of Spry finance might be an option.
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Hi i had loan with Ulster Bank for 4000 5 years ago i paid it back but owed 1900 which i repaid to the auditor.
But now i cannot get a loan from a credit union or a BANK.
I am 72 singleand need upkeep for house heating. Tks in advance for any ideas.

You should talk to Spry Finance, might suit it you own your home.
What do you mean by paid to auditor?
I was so sure all my problems were over and i dumped all paperwork everything to do with UB.
i paid the accounting company that handled UB.
I would have been better off NOT paying them.
I tried to get 3000 for a Car off a money lender and paid them 150 and they wanted another 300 so that was a waste. I earn about 520 a week now jeeez tks
Worth having a conversation with Citizens Information to see if you qualify for something like the Fuel allowance. Don't go near money lenders, you'll just tie yourself in never-ending debt. Based on the initial information given here (over 70, living alone) all that would be needed would to see if you pass the means test.

No accounting firm would have been handling Ulster Bank debt collection so I am assuming they had handed over the debt to a debt collecting firm and you paid them.

It would be worth reaching out to the Credit Reference Agency and get your latest report to see where you stand and if anything can be amended
Worth having a conversation with Citizens Information to see if you qualify for something like the Fuel allowance. Don't go near money lenders, you'll just tie yourself in never-ending debt. Based on the initial information given here (over 70, living alone) all that would be needed would to see if you pass the means test.

No accounting firm would have been handling Ulster Bank debt collection so I am assuming they had handed over the debt to a debt collecting firm and you paid them.

It would be worth reaching out to the Credit Reference Agency and get your latest report to see where you stand and if anything can be amended

It was accounting company that handled ub i cant belive i forgot their name i was so happy to be rid of them.
I never had LOANS in my life only 4000 loan 30yrs ago for old house 7000 which i paid back in 3 yrs.
Needless to say i wasted a lot of moolah etc tks
Hi i had loan with Ulster Bank for 4000 5 years ago i paid it back but owed 1900 which i repaid to the auditor.
But now i cannot get a loan from a credit union or a BANK.
I am 72 singleand need upkeep for house heating.
Are you absolutely sure that you were refused loans because of something what was registered against your name with the CCR?
Did the CU and banks confirm this to you? What exactly did they say?
Have you checked your CCR file to see what it says?
Tks in advance for any ideas.
On what exactly?
I earn about 520 a week now jeeez tks
Maybe any loan refusals were on account of your earnings and nothing to do with historical loan issues? €520 p.w. is in minimum wage territory.