Credit card refund?


Papa Hotel

Hi all,

I have ordered an item on the internet using my credit card on the 16th of December (late shopping for Christmas). As an afterthought, I did a background check on the e-commerce company and I found they received negative feedback from shoppers (slow delivery, overcharging etc.).

I had cancelled my order the next day. Looking at my credit card balance it appeared that they debited my credit card another day later.

I received an email on the 6th of Januray confirming the cancellation of my order and asking me to phone the customer service to confirm it in words. I did it however the customer service representative said that they already posted the item.

I still have not received what I ordered and paid for.

My question is what should I do in order to get my money back? As far as I know the credit card company covers cases like mine but I am not sure. Any ideas are appreciated before I ring the credit card company.

Bet regards: