credit card fraud: on line gambling company I have nothing to do with removed $190

Re: credit card fraud: on line gambling company I have nothing to do with removed $19

Scams have become very sophisticated in recent years, it's a huge business now. Over the last 12 months I have reduced online purchases with my Visa Card by 70% ..... and only use about 3 or four different sites, mainly for travel tickets etc...

This is very bad news for online merchants. Many online merchants would be using reputable third party credit card processing companies, and will never see your credit card details.

We often get people giving us their credit card details over the phone. This is far more risky.
Re: credit card fraud: on line gambling company I have nothing to do with removed $19

Well have I used my credit card online , several times a week (including poker sites) for the last 8 years , and never had one charge that wasn't me....
My knowlege is this: Some scams take only a small sum amount of money out of your a/c at first, hoping you don't notice. Then when you find out they give it all back because they were caught, who knows how long they would take money out if you never noticed? - Just because you got the money back might not mean they were not chancing their arm imo.
Or if they had no contact info and you found out they may empty your a/c into overdraft and disappear.
I think when they advised you not to have your credit card bank put a hold on the transactions, this happened me with a hotel recently. They said if I disputed the amount and put a hold on it, it would make it more difficult for them to refund the amount (taken in error). In fairness they did refund it. Maybe if there is a hold against an amount it requires more hassle to refund? Any bankers out there know if this is the case?