Credit Card Fraud in European Gentlemen's Club

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Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone can give me some advice... I was recently in a European city for a business trip. At the end of the first day we went for a meal and a couple of drinks. On the way back to our hotel we were approached by a rep for a 'gentlemans club'. Entry was free so we said why not go in for one last drink before retiring to our hotel. This was approximately 22:00 /22:30.

Upon entry we ordered two beers, I paid by Debit Card and soon after two free shots of some substance were handed to us, the girls were very forceful and literally fed the shot / substance into my mouth. I would like to reiterate I was sober entering the establishment having had 1 pint of beer and 1 glass of red wine with my dinner earlier that evening.

Approximately 15 minutes later I believe I blacked out and have no recollection of anything that happened between the hours of 23:00 and 04:30. From looking at online forums and threads I now believe I was drugged, more than likely by the free shot.

The following morning I woke at 7:30 and met my colleague in the reception for checkout. It was then I noticed my Debit Card was declined and my Mastercard was missing. When I arrived at the office I immediately logged onto my internet banking and cancelled the missing Mastercard. No transactions had hit any of my cards so I was reasonably satisfied.

That evening we travelled to another nearby city to catch our flight home. At breakfast the next morning I logged onto my internet banking to review my transactions and got the shock of my life, my stolen Mastercard had been maxed out. The same club had processed fraudulent transactions in the region of €4,000 by chip & pin. (6 transactions in 30 minutes ranging from €200 to €1100, some transactions occurred 1 minute apart)

I immediately rang my bank and informed them of the fraudulent transactions. These have been escalated to the fraud team and I am now waiting to hear back, hopefully early this week.

I understand negligence is the key issue here when it comes to arguing liability of fraudulent credit card transactions. When arguing my case should I:

a) argue I was drugged, the card was stolen and I have no recollection of anything
b) argue the card was stolen and the hostess must have memorised my pin from the original transaction
c) the banks security systems should have blocked the transactions (I never use this card in bars, and would never spend €4,000 in 30 minutes)
d) combinations of the above

I am worried sick about this and I'm really not in a position to accept full liability for €4k. I know most people will target me for entering one of these clubs but never for one minute did I expect to be a victim of a date rape drug. I have since learned there are websites devoted to this and a number of major scams are on-going throughout Europe where clubs are drugging foreigners and essentially robbing them.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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This is not uncommon, I'd suggest the Banks fraud unit have experience of this, be upfront is my advice and report the crime to the local police if you gave not already done so, get a crime number for your report, don't worry, you have been robbed and were not a willing participant.
Thanks for your response Palerider. I've tried reporting the crime to the local police and everytime I ring them they hang up when they hear me speak English. I will pursue this though. I've read so many stories online that Banks are taking the hard stance on this, once the transaction is authorised by pin they place negligence on the card owner. Going to call into my local bank branch tomorrow to discuss the situation. Fingers crossed.

Not the first time that I've heard this type of story, and doubt very much it will be the last. The key lesson for everyone when traveling, is leave cards and valuables in the hotel safe .... if you only have cash on you, there's a limit to what you can spend / have stolen etc.

Hopefully the credit card provider will be able protect you from taking the full €4k hit. However, it must be very difficult to prove you were drugged, when there's no test results to support your claim etc. That said, is the ultimate situation any different to if someone skimmed your card when you were paying your bill in the restaurant, not really ?

The key lesson for everyone when traveling, is leave cards and valuables in the hotel safe .... if you only have cash on you, there's a limit to what you can spend / have stolen etc.
A lot of askaboutmoney users seem to be getting defrauded in European nightclubs.

Verified as victim of fraud but BOI rejected my claim

credit card fraud & chip and pin

The Ombudsman has dealt with the issue as well.

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There’s a joke doing the rounds at the moment about a guy who hasn’t reported the theft of his credit card because the thief is spending less than his wife does...
Do the banks take a different view on refunding fraudulent transactions on Mastercard versus Visa Debit cards?

When I cancelled and reported my MasterCard stolen the morning after, no transactions had hit the card and the bank did not inform me of these unusual transactions at any point until I logged onto my internet banking and realized the situation.

May as well prepare for the worst and hope for the best...
Update.... logged into my internet banking this morning and the full value has been refunded to my card. Thank God for that.

Google ”polishclubscams” for some light reflection!
Another reason for using a revolut type card (loaded with a limited amount by yourself) when on holiday along with some cash.

Slightly different but I had a fancy hotel with work and was charged twice on for my stay at the hotel. The bank were not the most helpful and said I had to exhaust resolving it with the vendor. It took reviews on TripAdvisor amongst numerous emails for the matter to get resolved but bank wouldn't start the charge back process (this was on a debit card)
Update.... logged into my internet banking this morning and the full value has been refunded to my card. Thank God for that.

Google ”polishclubscams” for some light reflection!
You're very lucky. I suspect it's because you reported the card stolen so quickly. Next time, if you are once again this foolish, take only cash with you, or have a card with a very low credit limit.

What happened to your colleague who also had the 'free' shot?

Anybody know if the bank/cc company can get the money back from the stripclub?
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