Country vs City Living

I'd be the opposite to some here, grew up not far outside of Dublin but would still be considered a townie. Coudn't wait to get out and make the move to he country. Standard of living is better ten fold. The only complaint anyone ever comes out with is that you're far from shops etc. but you learn quick to work around it. If I was going to town for anything, I'd usually bring home milk etc. without thinking about it.
Like other posters said, the weekdays in Dublin are all about fighting the traffic. Living in the country I always had something to do in the evenings, it was hard work but it was outdoors work & I loved it. More of a sense of community as well.
I've since emmigrated, living in one of the worlds major cities and travel a god bit but ould trade it all right now to get home to the farm. Especially this time of year!
Lived in Dundrum, had a nanny (4 boys under 5 as it was then), hubbie had big corporate job, spent endless mornings wandering aimlessly around Dundrum Town Centre. Bought a holiday house in Wexford, tiny village, 2 pubs, postoffice/shop, church and pharmacy. Beaches 5 mins, heart of countryside - fell in love.

Ditched Dublin, hubbie took redundancy, took a year off and settled into country life. Hubbie has sent up his own accountancy firm, 4 boys play outside everyday, we've made fantastic friends and I now realise how lonely and miserable I actually was in Dublin. We have 1/10th the money we had in Dublin (hopefully this will gradually change) but are a million times happier.

Wouldn't go back in a fit. Only thing I miss is family support with kids etc but looking back we didn't actually have that much in Dublin, everyone was always too busy.