Healthcare costs - not insurance Cost of Laya Simply Connect


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Hello All,
Again that time of year. Myself and wife on above plan which were happy enough with. Payed through my wifes payroll weekly basis. Total cost 2603+78 credit charge =2681. 1. Does anybody know if this is correct. 2. Can I negotiate a better price or is the price the price? Cheers.
If you go to website you can see the current price of any plan, but it is not reliable if say your renewal date is 2021.
Current HIA price is 1265 per person so that's 2530 per annum.

If you go onto the Laya website, you can see prices up to 30 days ahead.

I don't think there's any negotiation... some people try to avoid future prices increases by basically cancelling their current plan a day early and renewing from e.g. December 2020 rather than January 2021. But I haven't executed that maneuver myself yet.

Also, the credit charge is not something I have come across, paying directly for health insurance or via employer.
So maybe you have scope there with the employer payroll.
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Thanks odyssey. Got onto Laya. No problem renewing this year but next years renewal would be from December 1st. They waived the 78euro credit charge. So 78euro saved for phone call.