Cost of grinds.

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions for the alternative to points?
I would have thought that its the job of the parents to prepare their kids for a role in society..or does the school take the blame/credit for this?
In the main ,those that work hard in school,get the rewards,so they then can choose for themselves how they want to live their lives,be that on a dole,flipping burgers or doing medicine,its all about giving . . .

I cannot suggest a workable solution which would replace the points system. Also, most parents will do everything for their loved ones and grinds are one of those things. The school has responsibility also otherwise why go to school?

Due to my limits in pc operation the above has been copied and pasted fairly badly. But, I have tried to answer the salient points.

So what do you think a parent should do when their child is struggling to even pass a subject? In a case where they want to do something they are passionate about,even for catering college you need to just pass the subjects.
Unless of course you feel that anyone is capable of doing a job,medicine, pharmacy,law, etc etc ,I wouldn't like it,if my child was finding it difficult to pass a subject and was then in college trying to cope with all the learning involved,how would they manage that?

Like I said earlier we are the cause of the grinds system. We all want our children to enter professional occupations. If our loved ones do not have the talent then we shove them into grinds situations. Money = Points. Obviouly, we have the result square pegs in ground holes and possibly even worse.

I have to laugh..I mean what parent could possibly be so abusive to their child to want them to well..whatever that "well" is.
You are forgetting that many parents who send their kids to grinds ,are parents of kids who are struggling to learn..the child may want /need to just pass the subjects,its not all about who gets into medicine ..
So lets say we drop the points system..what then..oh wait,there needs to be some way of determining who can do /is capable of taking on a college course so in comes another system..
Either way there will be some way to determine this,the alternative is to allow every child to go into the course of their choice,end up not being able for it,and costing the tax payer a fortune.Or we dumb down all third level courses so everyone is then capable of passing them..

I dont have solutions; I am a fairly simple person just wondering what we are doing to our youth. I have heard Leaving Cert students openly say that they have achieved the points for (let's say) Medicine but the desired 3rd Level Course is (let's say) Arts. They argue that not doing the desired course is a waste of points. Yes, but at what price?

Lets hear your suggestions..
And I always recall my father saying, "The harder I work,the luckier I get"..

A good quote from your father. Who am I to say that he is wrong?

The more I think of the above situations and most of them have been foisted on our children by the education system and our own expectations. I cannot argue against looking into the mirror for someone to blame.