cost of cancellation of buying and selling of house



Hi there

We recently had to pull out of buying a new house as our own did not sell. We lost the deposit and received the bill from our sollicitor and thought that 1200 Euro's was a bit high for the work that was done up to this stage.

Does any one know if this is correct or not?

Many thanks
Re: cost of cancilation of buying and selling of house

What stage of the process were you at? The fact you lost your deposit (booking or 10%?) suggests you were quite far along in the process.
Re: cost of cancilation of buying and selling of house

If you lost your deposit this means that at the very least your solicitor had investigated the title, raised queries with the other side, advised you as to the process and costs etc.. returned contracts with your deposit, ensured that other side also did so that a binding contract existed. Posssibly did more besides but the above is the mimimum work done. €1,200 seems reasonable... but you might also clarify does this include vat which would reduce the fess to €990 plus vat, alsodid it include any outlays etc...
Hi there

We recently had to pull out of buying a new house as our own did not sell. We lost the deposit and received the bill from our sollicitor and thought that 1200 Euro's was a bit high for the work that was done up to this stage.

Does any one know if this is correct or not?

Many thanks

Maybe i'm wrong but should the condition of your house selling that the contract would be signed and sale finalised, it seems bad practice to me for the solicitor to allow you to put a deposit on another house when it was obvious that the purchase was dependant on the sale of yours...this might be a matter of misconduct which might need further investigation..
johnny...misconduct? I don't think so.

As a solicitor I don't "allow" my clients to do anything - they make their own decisions, having received my advice. I may not agree with their decisions - but ultimately, it is their decision.

Here the op signed contracts to buy before selling existing property. There's no suggestion in the post that the solicitor told her that was advisiable (or not).

As for the fee charged, I echo mandangan's thoughts - a lot of work would have been done at that stage.
Hi There

Thanks for all your replies. Our solicitor did advise us not to sign the contracts until our own house was sold. We decided to continue however and we were just trying to establish if the fees charged for the work done was correct. After reading some of your comments we decided to pay up and count our losses and not to waste any more energy on it

Thanks again
