As women represent the vast majority of rape cases, and as ali is speaking from her own experience and probably that of many women, it is neither sexist or paranoid, it's just plain true from her perspective and she has a valid right to say it. In fact, she has taken considerable time to try and explain why she feels as she feels, and that should not be dismissed, rather it should be understood, which is clearly her intention.
As it happens, and I only mention it because it has been raised by ali, I am a man, but I can fully appreciate her sentiments. The key point made here, again and again, is this is not a trivial matter. I don't want any Garda's head on a plate, or his job, but this is not an issue to be blithely dimissed. And the Garda Commissioner, fair play to him, has been quick out of the traps to say that it won't be. This is definitely my last post on it. Enuf said.
Of course it is sexist. Men consider in some cases that assault is a worse offence than rape! sure sounds like a sweeping generalisation of a gender. As a man believe it or not I can expand my thought processes to include the well being of others. I often tell my oh if she is going away with friends or out without me to not come home alone, and if anything happens to stay put because while I don't expect her to get raped, I don't want any chance to be taken because once it has happened it is not something that can be fixed (she laughs at me for being paranoid - go figure). I would also consider sexual crimes to be the worst purely because of the emotional carnage that long outlasts the physical.
Far more women than men get raped and men are generally the perpetrators of this crime. As you say there is supposed to be a high level of unreported rape, but unfortunately there is also alot of girls who cry wolf and it is the use of claim of rape to further a cause, damage a reputation or to alleviate oneself from guilt that stands to create to greatest injustice.
If we want to argue about rape and justice, argue about stronger sentances for actual rapists, strong sentances for those who lie about being raped and argue less about the rights and wrongs of a stupid conversation.
Guards do have power, but they are also human and fallible, they didn't commit a crime and that is the bottom line.