That would be quite an AVC fund to have accumulated by the time you are 62! - Have you built up a lot already?
Others here will advise you better than me on this. However, personally, I would only pay into a fund if I was getting tax relief at the top rate - and up to a level that I could expect to draw down from the fund at the basic tax rate (after allowing for maxing up the tax free lump sum). Don't forget that you will also pay USC on any drawdown and 4% PRSI up to 66.
From what your posts indicate, I take it that you will have close to full 40 years service at 62 and, if so, your actuarially reduced Occ Pension may be in the region of 16K - 17K ? You can calculate for yourself what you could tax efficiently draw down, given your circumstances/allowances any other income you might have (including Jobseekers, if applicable, and State Pension from 67/68). Of course, you can leave any residual to your estate if that eventuality should arise. As I say, I would prefer to think in terms of how much I could tax efficiently draw down while still in this world and able to utilise it (accepting that I don't know how long/short that will be). I wouldn't aim to fund beyond this (nor, indeed, to over-stint now to achieve this).
As indicated, there are others around here better versed in these matters.