There were between 10 and 15 thousand at it, can't remember in my life time anyway, that number of people coming out in protest against anything political or otherwise in Cork.
I don't expect people from outside the county to understand or care about what is going on with GAA in Cork. The only reason the national media is being used is to get the info from both sides out to everyone in the county. It is not really our concern what anyone thinks outside the county and I don't mean that in a bad way.
But to inform those that don't know this dates back to the strike of 2002, the county board and a certain dictator will never forgive the players for the loss of power they experienced back then. Roll on four years, four all-ireland finals, and the county board decide to go with a manager from outside the setup that was going so well.....fair enough. This man comes in and looses 5 championship matches in 2 years and then is selected again as manager for the next 2 years. Now you might say those players are over the hill but when he took over everything went down hill from food before matches, to training, to team selction (anyone who knows their hurling just look at the changes made during the Tip game last year). Now you have to ask yourself why would he be re-elected as manager??? Power my friends, power, the county board are trying to get back the power they lost in 2002. I know this is unbelieveable to people who live outside the county but that is exactly what is going on. And it is unbelieveable that the delegates from the clubs that vote would not overthrow this man. Last week there was a motion brought forward by Cloyne in which they requested that before votes are taken each delegate goes back to his club so a decision can be made on what way they will was rejected as out of order and our esteemed chairman addressed the delegates and asked them "do you want the power to leave this room?". So if that doesn't explain how it is all about power with the county board nothing will!!
Some people have suggested that the players should get on and play but why should they deal with this crap when they have jobs, girlfriends, wives (not neccessarily both but some may

) and families and they are sacrifcing them to go training 4 nights a week and head to matches at the weekend and all for what.....they want to win but how can they with a setup like this??
And to those who say Cork is a laughing stock and always were, come back to me when you have achieved what Cork did in 1990 and we can talk! ;-)
Oh and on an aside note if we had enough people in this country who stood up for what they truly believed in we might not be in the economic and political mess we are in at the moment....ah cher it all be grand!!