Cork Hurling Crisis

Ireland's ? might want to run that by her. as i said she got an oz passport so she could run for them. another fine cork traitor.

plus she was a joke at the olympics. cry me a river o sullivan. how many olympic medals has she got?

I presume that McCarthy, Houghtan, McGeady, Townsend, Aldridge, even Big Jack all fall in to your category of traitor then seeing as they all (bar Jack as his job didn't require a passport) played for us under the 'Granny rule'.
I can understand people being against the Cork hurlers (08 Panel) because generally people outside of Cork do not understand what they have put up with over the last number of years.
Like all County Boards the Cork CB is made up of committees and individuals who are elected to various positions. However, as eluded to in the statement by the Cork players last night despite the veneer of democracy protrayed to the outside world, the Cork County Board has been led and said by one man since 1973. This is the sickness they spoke about and anyone from Cork will know who is being spoken about.
Anyone who knows anything about GAA in Cork will know that the standard of selector in place for the "developement" squad is appalling. The (real) players won't stand for it anymore and it appears neither will the Cork public (see below)

March in Support of Cork Hurlers

A supporters march will take place in Cork city in support of the 2008 Cork hurling squad on Saturday February 7th.

Rebels are being asked to assemble at Emmet Place, outside Cork Opera House before 3pm after which a march will take place in the city centre.

The march is being organised by well known Cork supporter Tom ‘Bomber’ Roche, who organised last year’s successful marches, and

Fans are asked to bring as much colour as possible and to spread the word to as many Corkonians as possible.

Just hours after the hurlers’ press conference and statement, a 96FM poll has showed overwhelming support for the hurlers with 2,909 texts in favour of the players and 309 against.

Beir bua.
GAA is a voluntary organisation. If these players dont like the management, then they dont have to play - nobody is forcing them.

In general terms, players in team sports picking their own coaches is a bad thing. It undermines the authority of the coaching staff - how are they expected to impose rules and discipline if the players have the power to "vote" them off if they dont like the rules.

They also have to remember that this team belongs to all members of Cork GAA, not them.

The management should just get on with things and pick a team from those players who want to play.

I got to the bottom of this on another board.

Evidently Frank Murphy, Chairman of the county board, is a cross between Mugabe and Tony Suprano.

For reasons only known to Cork people he somehow has the office for life, despite clear GAA rules on officials being prevented from staying in the same role for more than a set number of years.

Also despite the "fact" that 90% of Cork's 96fm radio station support the players, a meeting of club representatives voted against the players in an even greater majority.

Evidently Frank Murphy has some means of making these club officials lives not worth living (in a literal sense!) in the event they vote against his wishes. I can't say I understand it but that was what came out of literally hundreds of posts on another (GAA) board
The GAA is a voluntary members organisation.

If there is genuine unhappiness with the management of the team, then there are ways to address this. The actions of the players is the wrong way and, from an outsiders point of view, seems to be at odds with the wishes of their members. If the members genuinely wanted to change the management they can raise the issue in their clubs, the clubs can raise the issue to the county board etc. and ultimately the management would be changed.

I dont know anything about Cork GAA politics, but it does seem like the wishes of the players are at odds with the wishes of the members.

What a load of crap.

No players in any team in any sport in the world choose their own manager.

What you are saying is that players should be allowed to pick their own manager, why? Are Cork players somehow special?

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you. However, the CCB is not run as a normal County Board is. Under normal circumstances the County Board Executive would be answerable to the delegates. In Cork the delegates are answerable to the executive and the executive answerable to one paid unelected official. It has been that way since 1973.
What a load of crap.

No players in any team in any sport in the world choose their own manager.

What you are saying is that players should be allowed to pick their own manager, why? Are Cork players somehow special?

Again, either you are not aware of the facts or you don't believe in anyone questioning the authority of the unelected paid Cork County Secretary.

The players do not want to appoint the manager. They don't want to play under this manager.
The players do not want to appoint the manager..


Quote from the players:
"The manager was then duly ratified by the Board, even though he was the only person in Cork who the panel had definitively stated that they did not want as manager, having had two years of his management"

"We were given a role in the selection process for the Hurling manager for 2009 by Kieran Mulvey in his arbitration findings in early 2008." - something they saught

"In spite of the views of our panel as regards the outgoing management..."

"It has been our view since, that when we had left the "process", it could not legitimately conclude its business without us. "

"Accordingly, we have always maintained that the appointment of the current manager was flawed"

Then again, they later say "We do not want to choose our own Manager."

Maybe I dont know the facts, or maybe the players are not getting their message across. Please explain so...

If then dont want to appoint the manager on one hand they can't then turn around and say they dont want this manager or that manager, because thats the same thing!

Its just mcarthy they dont want. And theyve already played under him for 2 years and know how good or bad (as the case seems to be) he is as a manager. From reading the players points over the last few months, hes apparently not just a bad manager, a bad coach and a bad man manager but also untrustworthy as a confidant by releasing personal information to the media tha tplayers shared with him.

Its up to the county board to put the best man in place to get the best out of the squad that the selectors pick. Now if hes not doing that for whatever reason, how can he stay?

I cant understand why he doesnt stand down, he's on a hiding to nothing. He's proved he's not good enough to win anything for last 2 years while he had an all ireland winning squad playing for him, what does he and the county board think hes going to do when he doesnt even have those players available. Memories of Steve Staunton coming back for all the wrong reasons.
car, The Banker, the point is tho, every other county is able to get on with things and resolve any difficulties themselves. However Cork seem to think that the rest of the country cares or should get behind one side or the other in their disputes. I don't doubt the sincerity of the players, nor their sense of grievance. But really this idea of holding a national press conference to air their grievances is just embarassing - if you have a problem lads sort it out within the confines of your own county please - the GAA has already bent over backwards in previous years to try and help sort it out so how about you all grow up and sort out your own problems from here on without bleating to the nation that we're right and they're wrong. As I said earlier the rest of us have more important things to worry about.
Its just mcarthy they dont want.
The footballers didn't want Teddy Holland, there's a trend emerging

I cant understand why he doesnt stand down, he's on a hiding to nothing.
Because he has principle and backbone and will not be stared down by the people he's been given the duty of managing

He's proved he's not good enough to win anything for last 2 years while he had an all ireland winning squad playing for him.
This is where you clearly don't know your hurling. The Cork hurlers had 4 very good years but the 2008 panel reached their peak in 2004 and 2005. They lost to kilkenny by 3 points in 2006. kilkenny have come on in leaps and bounds in the last two years and in 2008 Cork were their nearest rivals losing by 9 points. Cork also managed to beat Galway in 2008, a team with the potential to win this years all ireland. They've done quite well with an ageing squad.

Their main problem is lack of younger talent coming through. Do you think the 2008 squad would be interested in getting rid of 6/7 of their members and bringing in new blood? I don't think so. By rights maybe 20 of them should be staying on in 2009, chosen to play for Cork by a manager appointed by the county board, not themselves or a manager answerable to them!!!

There is no such thing as an unaccountable unelected official in a voluntary members organisation. The paid unelected official is employed by the County Board and is ultimately answerable to his employers i.e. the membership?
There is no such thing as an unaccountable unelected official in a voluntary members organisation. The paid unelected official is employed by the County Board and is ultimately answerable to his employers i.e. the membership?

Even I, living a long way from Cork and with only a limited interest in GAA matters, know that does not apply to Cork.

There is one game that is played in the GAA that is not covered in the association's rules: the accretion of power and influence. It's an individual game whereas most GAA sports are team games. Were there an all-Ireland championship in it, Cork could send out Frank Murphy and the representatives of the other counties would simply go home.