Cork city broadband


Registered User
I want to get connected to broadband in cork city. Will want wireless so should I go with a phone line connection and then use a router or go for satellite. who would your recommend?

will sue the internet quite a bit for downloading music and general use. Want something with a decent download limit or no limit.
Don't go with Irish BroadBand. With them at work and spend most of the day on the phone to them coz it never works. And yes it is wireless. All the other companies around me moved, I think we'll be doing the same.
digiweb metro or chorus cable BB are the best deals if you cannot use a phone line .. I infer you cannot for some reason .
No I can very easily use a phone line but want to be able to use my laptop in various location s in house
A different wireless is what you really want . Get BT Wireless BB.

Its wired as far as the house and wireless WITHIN the house only and €20 a month as I recall .......if they bill you properly.

They supply the other wireless gizmo free
the one i recommended is 1Mbit down, if you need more the upgrade (itself) is free but the per monthly cost will be higher.
So pack is the download limit you download over the course of a whole month or pay day?

Is 1gb download limit a lot of info. I would'nt downlaod a lot of music but might view vid clips etc
download limit on that is about 16gb and not enforced chill :p
Try this link.

Depending on your location it will give an idea what your options are.
I am tired of paying Eircoms line rental and have changed over to a wireless BB provider (no phone line).
Once you have BB you can utilise SKYPE [broken link removed] or take the call options provided by the BB provider.
I live at home gocall so phone is a neccesity for the parents so will probably go with Esat allright.

So it comes in on the phone line and then 'goes wireless' from the router that they give me free yes?

Am I likely to be able to use my laptop anywhere in the house or will I need to be relatively near the router. We have a three storey house
if you go with esat be prepared for the worst callcentre experience of your life.
WAs with the for dial up up until 3 months ago and had experience of their call centre and customer care. Absolutely disgraceful, worst i've ever experienced but never ahd any technical difficulties with them. Who woudl you go with R keane
well, until i saw the link above i would have thought i was stuck with esat. wanted to go without the landline as its working out at 90 quid a month making one or two calls on it. the 15 quid for broadband doesnt include vat. your line rental, cost of calls, broadband in together will work out to be the same as mine probably. i wanted to go with metro lite but they say i'd have to get everyone in my area to 'arrange' for the trees to be cut down for us to get line of sight. Yeah right. However, i am going to look into other options. I would much prefer just to use my mobile for calls and pay 20 quid a month for bb. 90 quid over two months was not what i was expecting but that was my own fault.
Am I not right in saying that the line rental is paid to eirocm and will remain that way? Also the calls will remain with eircom, my parents wont change, therefore they will pay for the calls and line rental all I will pay is the ESat BB which is just the mothly fee of 20 euro for the basic package.

I s ee on their site that it sayd they provide a modem for 40 euro whats this?

Also will they provide the equipment (router is it) to enable me to use it wirelessly
i think the modem they charge for is wireless. the free one is just a standard one port router that is no good to anyone really. also, i'm reptty sure you have to switch your landline to esat bt. which is not sucha bad thing as they will be cheaper for calls and line rental. otherwise, you have to go with eircom for broadband. (or a seperate company for wireless)
Someone this m orning said to me they use irish broadband and say they are delighted with it. Anybody experience with them?
do a search for irish broadband on, and you will probably have all the references you need!!
Sorry meant to say rapid braodband not irishbroadband. I take it you dont rate it bettlebum.

Two that I hear recommended the most is EsatBt despite its chronic customer service and magnet. Anyone use magnet?
Eircoms packages also seem very good value. Free connection and free router. Whats peoples experience with them?