WOW. For me, signing contracts means i am handed a key. Dont use that solicitor ever again - he wasnt looking after your best interests anyways.
That would make you the exception rather than the rule, I don't see how the solicitor has done anything wrong.
I agree, with the current state of the market the buyer holds all the power in practise.
This buyer holds no power though thats the problem.
If the media picked up on poor unfortunates being dragged through the courts to complete on a property they can not afford by the big bad builders, it is hardly going to encourage any new punters to buy off the plan. Tom Parlon would have a fair job trying to spin that one
Hows about this for 'spin' Did you agree a price, yes we thought it offered good value and we may have even seen a short term gain in value but now the markets changed so we don't want to honour our end of the deal and instead the builder should suffer in this gamble.
There is nothing to change a builders mind than an avalanche of bad publicity when they are already finding it difficult to sell what they have.
How can it be seen as bad publicity, the builder has done nothing wrong, he has provided a product and agreed a price on it, nothing under hand about it.
But IMO the OP has made a big mistake and they should do what ever they can to get out of the contract or at least get a reduced price,.
they might learn from this mistake, or even treat it as a home, live in it and forget about how much its worth for the next 3/5 years.
Builders will shaft you at the first oppertunity they get in my opinion!
A builder shafted you, not all builders and they are all in in for profit, highlight the bad ones, but this one doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. It is the builder that would be getting shafted in this case if the price was reduced.
although didnt help that at the time the estate agent told us it was the only house left and now there's 15houses on the row that are unsold. Made mugs of us or what!
That could have been through and others may have pulled out before signing because of cold feet which would leave him with 15 coming back on. Either way it doesn't help your predicament