Edit: this article may be paywalled - if/when I find one that's not I'll link to it.
I'm all for service providers being obliged to make it easy for customers to cancel/switch, and reckon that VM could/should definitely improve matters in this area, but otherwise I'm not so sure that this Comreg case really has merit. So what if some customers haggle, get a better deal and stay with a provider instead of switching? Surely that's a good thing? My own recent experience of cancelling my VM broadband service after 12 month contract was pretty painless. Even if it was just so that I could sign back up with them as a new customer and get the new customer deal!
They called me a couple of times in the month between me giving notice of cancellation and the service terminating, presumably to give me a sales pitch, but I just ignored the calls.

Virgin Media uses 'legal and practical obstacles' to discourage switching, court told
In its proceedings, Comreg says there is only one way Virgin Media customers are told they could cancel — by ringing the internet and TV service provider's 1908 number

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