I would suggest that if you're 100% straight laced, with no grey areas, you'll still get crucified.
Ubiquitous, I'd like to point out that as a company director of a company started up in the past 5 years I:
Am not entitled to a PAYE Tax credit
Will not be entitled to social welfare should the company fail
pay tax on my income, dividends and company profits
pay vat in advance of actually receiving payment for invoices
Pay preliminary corporation tax in advance of making any company profit
Have invested and risked my own money (which had already been taxed as paye income)
Pay rates, water charges, and inflated waste charges.
This struck me as odd. Am I misunderstanding something?
FWIW I have had two clients recently who were subjected to comprehensive Revenue Audits across all tax heads including directors own returns. In both cases Revenue walked away empty handed. ( despite there being some, albeit not many, grey areas ) I can only attest to fair and level handedness in Revenue's dealings with those cases.
Not that it's much but every little helps, remember that as an employer/employee you can give yourself a €250 "bonus" at Christmas (well anytime actually but only once a year) without paying PAYE/PRSI. The only condition is that the payment must be in vouchers and a receipt for the vouchers kept.
I wouldn't take this as absolute gospel, if I were you. At best, its application to proprietary company directors is a grey area.
I admit there's no mention of the position wrt directors as employees, but I doubt the revenue would squabble over €250 once a year. Neither does my auditor.
Hi all,
Very interesting thread. I did not know that if the company fails you are not entitled to PRSI. What does it mean "fail" in this context?
I was thinking in closing my company next year as we are going back to our country. Is that considered "failure"?
Hi all,
What does it mean "fail" in this context?
I was thinking in closing my company next year as we are going back to our country. Is that considered "failure"?