Closing Date


Registered User
hey all

maybe this thread has appeared before but i could not find it.

we have just signed contracts on our house and have a closing date. just wondering what other peoples experiences were of closing dates? did everything go to plan and did you get to move in on the closing date given when signing contracts?

is it normal for closing dates to slip? we have heard some horror stories :\
Hi SeanHow,

Is your place a new property or second hand? I just moved into a new-build flat this weekend, the closing date was delayed by three weeks because the builder's solicitor kept sending us the wrong paperwork. A good friend of mine just moved into a second hand property and theirs was delayed by two weeks also - the owners couldn't leave because the next person in the chain wasn't ready to move, etc.

One main thing I have learnt from my move is never, ever buy furniture in advance if you have nowhere to keep it temporarily! We actually didn't close for 8 weeks after our snag. My mate had to cancel several furniture deliveries due to the just puts too much stress on an already pressurised situation!

Best of luck with your new place!
We had a closing date of April 7 on the original contract sent my the vendors solicitor and we agreed to that only for them to come back and re-schedule for 8 weeks later!
And there is nothing you as a buy can really do about this.
Good luck!
There have been numerous other threads on this topic, both regarding delays on seller and buyer's sides. Have you tried using the search facility?

WRT our experience, we closed on the stated date. However, we needed the help of a good insurance broker, mortgage broker and a very helpful solicitor to ensure that WE didn't delay the deal by not having the cheque in time. Make sure your mortgage protection is in place, that's all I'd say!
We had a closing date of 21st April for our sale but that has been and gone with no contact from their solicitors so we are hoping things are delayed as we are not ready to move....
Hey All

Thank you for the replies. Its a second hand house we're buying. Im pretty sure we have everything sorted at this stage regards insurance etc. Im going to get on to the mortgage brooker and solicitor today just to make sure everything is going OK.

thanks again and heres hoping it all goes through on the closing date we have :)