Closing a PTSB online fixed-term account - seems very difficult

Buy a postage stamp to recover my 1 cent.
No thanks !

You speak for this couple too! We have about half a dozen of these old accounts with one cent left in each of them.

We've tried to close them online but have been told that we need to visit out local PTSB branch - which is an hour's drive away. I called in once, but was told that I needed to make an appointment! :rolleyes:
On one occasion, I added €9.99 to one of the accounts to test whether I could withdraw €10, but I couldn't!

So the statements keep on arriving every six or 12 months and go straight into our shredder. Bad for the environment and bad for PTSB's bottom line, but at least they're giving An Post a few bob's profit every year.
My solution a few years back (shortly after PTSB threatened me with 9% on a mortgage renewal) was to move my day-to-day banking to our local credit union where there are actual, real people who listen, and do everything else via Fintechs like Raisin, avoiding Irish banks like the plague. We've had SEPA for over 10 years so there really is very little difference between having online accounts in other EU countries earning interest and having online accounts in Irish banks earning nothing -- apart from the money.