neither of them will reach the required number of elected delegates but it will be very difficult for the superdelegates to justify overturn an elected delegate lead. The reason that they are there is apparantly to avoid a brokered convention. and it is practically impossible for her to overtake him in elected delegates. Florida and Michigan won't be seated as is, but they may be a rerun. I think Obama would probably win Michigan and even Hillary winning Florida by a large margin will not close the delegate gap too much.
Hillarys talk of Obama as VP is a tactic. She is trying to potray herself as the natural canditate. I doubt that she would offer and he would not accecpt
The whole point of the superdelegate is to exercise independent judgment regardless of the delegate count. If Obama can't win the likes of Ohio then he will have a problem convincing them he is the candidate to win the white house. And Hillary will make up ground between now and the convention - Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico. Probably with Florida & Michigan too. The difference in delegates could be in only double digits. She may even hold the edge in the popular vote. She can also argue that the caucas system, where Obama has done so well, is inherently anti-democratic and if states allocated delegates on a winner takes all basis she would be ahead by a mile.
I agree that Hillary's talk of Obama as VP is a tactic. A clever one too. I can see the convention offering the VP ticket to Obama as a sweetner for losing the nomination saying it will give him a chance to get the experience and go for President himself in 2012/2016. That will be an interesting prospect as I really don't think Obama is interested - but he could end up looking arrogant and petulant if he rejects it out of hand. After all the talk of any party split being blamed on Hillary I think it could come full circle and people may say that of Obama...