No one knows what climate will be like in 2050 but surely this is about risk management??. The bulk of scientists believe the world is warming and that it is going to accelerate, especially as the tundra melts and releases it's long stored carbon. This may be a natural phenomona, it may be man made or it may be a combination of both. If it doesn't happen, what have we lost out on.?? In reality not a lot. But what if it does.?? Then what do we stand to lose?. It's like insuring your house, you hope you never have to claim but you still do it just in case and in the meantime, you fix the roof so it doesn't blow off.
And if the impact of what people are starting to do now is less garbage on the street, a change to our throw away disposable culture over time and cleaner seas and better air, then I'm all in favour of that.