Climate change - at last someone tells it like it is

You have made this assertion repeatedly without providing any evidence to back it up. Would you care do so?


The consensus is clearly evident in the reports of the IPCC (which despite the above claims, is not, in fact, "a political advocacy body with a political agenda." The IPCC's brief is to evaluate the state of climate science as a basis for informed policy action, rather than make policy itself. You could argue that it is in a strong position to influence policy were it to be taken over by individuals with a political agenda. If there is compelling evidence for this, I'd like to see it.)

But the IPCC is not alone. Countless other scientific bodies (National Academy of Sciences; American Meteorological Society; American Geophysical Union; American Association for the Advancement of Science, and many, many more) have issued statements concluding that the evidence for anthropogenic global warming is compelling.

The notion that there is a lack of consensus is repeatedly promoted by the sceptics. But there is more evidence for consensus than there is for a lack of consensus. Even the theory that opposing scientists are afraid to speak out against the global warming theory for fear of losing funding and grant research (a theory which insults the integrity of all scientists) is very much in dispute - [broken link removed] New Scientist article suggests that the opposite is more likely to be the case, i.e. that there is more pressure on scientists to deny that a problem exists.

It seems more likely to me that the political agenda lies with those who dismiss the whole anthropogenic global warming argument as nonsense.
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The notion that there is a lack of consensus is repeatedly promoted by the sceptics.

Er, if consensus did exist, surely there would be no sceptics?

Reminds me of the saying, "These stories about homelessness are just rumours put about by people with nowhere to live."
It seems more likely to me that the political agenda lies with those dismiss the whole anthropogenic global warming argument as nonsense.

well said.

Er, if consensus did exist, surely there would be no sceptics?
There has been and always will be skeptics. Usually a "general" consensus is reached and science moves on to the next challenges. Biology wouldn't have got very far in the last 200 years if they were still trying to convince each last skeptic of Darwinism.
Er, if consensus did exist, surely there would be no sceptics?

I would have thought my point was obvious, but let me make it clear - I'm talking about consensus among scientists. The sceptical group (although it indeed includes a small minority of scientists) is largely made up of non-scientists.

Obviously, I'm not in the sceptical group myself. But believe me, this is one issue where I'd love to be proved wrong. Time will tell.
Obviously, I'm not in the sceptical group myself. But believe me, this is one issue where I'd love to be proved wrong. Time will tell.
It doesn't bother me; if is all goes according to plan I'll end up with a sea front property. Cha-Ching!!
There's probably another great Gov initiative on the way next year, and thats the banning of old style light bulbs. From a certain point in the near future only the new Eco-friendly bulbs will be allowed to be sold in RoI.

Now I personally have an issue with this.

Firstly, I actually have one at home and they are rubbish. They do a very poor job of what they are made for i.e. light up a room. The light off them is crap. Very similar to the light you would get from a frosted/coloured bulb now.

So thats the 1st bad point, and probably the main one for me.

Next is the fact that they are a whole lot more expensive. If you could buy a pack of 10 ordinary bulbs for the price of 1 new bulb, I know what I'd pick.

And then they don't work with dimmers. I think they are working on this problem, but that rules them out from an awful lot of homes as we stand.

The Gov try to sell it to us by telling us we could save €100 per year if we switched the entire house to these. Well thats false economy cos its going to take at least €100 to replace all your bulbs. And lets be honest, in todays Ireland, whats €100 per year? Sure I'd save more than that if I sat in for an extra night each year !!!

All people will do is stock up on old bulbs now. Thats what I intend to do. The old bulbs are dirt cheap so I think I'll buy a 100 or so to last me a while when they start their old nonsense next year.

No doubt there's money in it for them somewhere.
Re Energy Saving Lightbulbs :

Yes I do find the light off them is weaker than the old bulbs. To account for this I buy a higher wattage than they equate to : For example if I am replacing a 60 watt old bulb, I buy a 75 watt (really 22 watt).

I am replacing my old bulbs as they 'go' so the financial outlay is not really noticeable. And is it me or do all the old bulbs seem to be expiring a lot more often than they used to ?

Some of them have a short delay before they light but others dont. Just pick the ones that suit you. Dimmerable energy saving lightbulbs are available at the moment as far as I know.

Dunnes do a good deal at the moment - 2 75/100watt (22/25 watt) for €10. 10 year lifetime. Not bad. They also make a very good Christmas present at the moment. Its win-win.

Your children may thank you. Hope that helps.
Ah yes, the paddies using more energy efficient light bulbs; that will really make all the difference as China opens a new coal powered power plant every week.
Ah yes, the paddies using more energy efficient light bulbs; that will really make all the difference as China opens a new coal powered power plant every week.

But there is a hole in the bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza - we are back to the first post !
Well intentioned though it may be, I can't imagine too many people would thank you for a christmas present like this?

Au contraire !! Parents and Grandparents would be delighted. It is saving them money, they feel like they are climate change 'aware', they have made their 'one' change etc etc....Better than socks IMHO. Win-Win.
But there is a hole in the bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza - we are back to the first post !

Yeah we may be going round in circles, but it won't change my attitute to the whole thing.

I know that people have said 'forget about what the rest of the world os doing, recycle yourself and let them worry about themselves etc', but if you click on that NYTimes link and check out the graphic on the lefthand side, it just shows how pointless anything we do is, in real terms.

US, China and India are over 66% of the worlds carbon dioxide production, and they aren't going to change. Millions of people in Ireland and Europe changing their lightbulbs, recycling their papers etc isn't going to make enough of a dent. Fact.
Au contraire !! Parents and Grandparents would be delighted... they feel like they are climate change 'aware', they have made their 'one' change etc etc.... Win-Win.

Ten or twenty years ago, we would laugh behind our backs at a priest or nun who would suggest prayer as a solution to war, famine or the AIDS crisis. Now we are supposed to take seriously the notion that the "global warming problem" (yes the same problem that we are told is based on scientific fact) will somehow cure itself once we are all "aware" and "making one change"
OK RMCF, I was just trying to help with your lightbulb issues.

I dont want to change your outlook or attitude.

My point here was that they (energy/money saving light bulbs) make great Christmas presents...IMHO
Spot on. It might make you feel nice and fuzzy inside but it'll make bugger all difference to the big picture. Them's the facts, boo-hoo if they don't sit well with the sandal wearers amongst us.
If anyone disagrees try going to Ning-Bo (China's second biggest port) and have a look at the open sewers the size of a river that flow, untreated, into the sea. If you're feeling adventurous pop out to the Gobi desert and have a look at the old-style chemical and power plants that they are building there in order to reduce the pollution in the cities. Note that they are not building more efficient plants, just moving them.
My point here was that they (energy/money saving light bulbs) make great Christmas presents...IMHO

My wife would divorce me if I bought my mum a bloody CFL for Christmas. Giving CFLs to elderly people (who as a group tend to have problems with eyesight) is a joke imho.
Re Energy Saving Lightbulbs :

And is it me or do all the old bulbs seem to be expiring a lot more often than they used to ?

Its the new bulbs which are definitely not lasting me the 10 years which is sometimes claimed . I am changing my energy efficient lightbulbs once a year lately. In one case I've replaced my energy efficient lightbulb 2 times this year already. So since january theres been 3 bulbs in the socket !
I started using these bulbs early on when they first came out as I have a green streak. However I am very skeptical through experience about the long life claims for these bulbs.

Dimmerable energy saving lightbulbs are available at the moment as far as I know.

Yeah but are they even more expensive ?