Clifden Road Ballyfermot

Do I have to take that offer they sent in email or do I have the option to choose one or two of my other options? It didnt state in email at all.
Hey, if i were you i'd ring them about Clifden if thats the one you really want - i originally got offered two apartments and rang them about Clifden and they said that they hadn't picked yet - i emailed them again a couple of times to say i was interested in the house rather than apartments and turned down the two apartments i was offered. Then about 3 weeks later i got offered the house!
is it just you on your own applying for this or have you got a family too? just wondering if its a single application and maybe thats why they've offered an apartment first...
Heya Im applying with my girlfriend and we have 7 month old son. Called AH today and was told that the apartment in Dublin 15 was just the first offer apparently they will be sending out more offers during the week or so. Im so oblivious to it all, however the viewing for apartments in Dublin 15 is in 2 weeks, but the next viewings for Clifden would not be until the middle of May so am nervous if I turn down D.15 apartments, then view Clifden and decide not for me, then id be stuck.

I was passing by on 79A today and one of the gafs had lights on and I could kind of see inside them, I really wish I could see inside one of them so that I'd be able to have the perspective on both places. Pity theres not a showroom that can be looked at, damn those steel railings coz I'd look a look in one of them. Theres this nice big one at the corner, id love that one honestly.

I'm trying to scramble together the 3 grand id need to give them, but do I give the 3 grand anyway or am I only to give the 3 grand if I decide im taking one of the places? Someone please explain and the whole AH thing is quite confusing.

I do know alot of the places are the same to buy privately but id need
the ebs 100% mortgage as havent got like 20 grand in the bank saved.

I need to get this letter from employer and am waiting on mortgage app and so on so im approved in principle as they say.

Does anyone know what this HCP1 form or something is, apparently its supposed to be signed by the revenue commissioner? Where do I go to get this done, thanks kindly guys :)

- Trevor
Hi Trevorku,
Firstly, if I were you I'd familiarise yourself with the whole AH process as you said you're "oblivious"'s not just about getting the keys to a nice gaff and from your posts you seem a little un-informed to me. Read some of the posts on AH as there is some invaluable information. Also don't expect DCC to help you or keep you fully informed...they won't! You have to do a lot of the research/running around my experiecnce I haven't found it to be a very transparent process at all so be prepared to ask a LOT of questions.

Are you referring to the HPL1 form that needs to be stamped by the Tax Office? I'm not sure why you're asking about it as this should've been sent in with your application in order for you to be even made an offer. Anyway if you do need to get one you can download it from the council web-site, take it to the tax office and all they'll do is stamp it. Its just a form that indicates you have never owned a property before.

If the Clifden Rd apartments are on sale on the open market there's nothing wrong with organising a least it'll give you an idea what they're like inside. But be realistic....the AH apartment won't be anything like the show apartment, generally the AH ones are smaller, with no tiling or minimum tiling and no fitted appliances. You may be lucky though, in the current climate the developer may be off-loading private apartments to the council which will come with all the usual things you'd expect.

Finally, with DCC you can refuse 3 offers before you go back to square don't have to take the first one you're offered and in my case I refused one and they offered me about 4 more!!!!! Lets facce it, they['re dying to get rid of these vacvant appartments so by holding out you may get exactly what you want. Also as far as I can remember you'll need the 3k deposit on the day of the viewing but this is refundable or if you go with a different development they'll just switch it over.

Best of luck
If the Clifden Rd apartments are on sale on the open market there's nothing wrong with organising a least it'll give you an idea what they're like inside. But be realistic....the AH apartment won't be anything like the show apartment, generally the AH ones are smaller, with no tiling or minimum tiling and no fitted appliances. You may be lucky though, in the current climate the developer may be off-loading private apartments to the council which will come with all the usual things you'd expect.

Hi Trevor, Clifden Road houses are not on sale on the open market. There is a show house which is the EXACT SAME as the house i bought. Obviously it's not fully furnished but the tiling etc is the same. There are apparently 10 houses left for sale.
FTB is right though, you really should read around the forum and get as much information from the posts as possible. Don't jump at the first offer you get if your not 100% sure on it - i turned down 2 from DCC before i got the house and 2 from SDCC....
Heya Emma,
My mam went up yesterday for snoop around and she looked around, might do the same myself today. From the outside some of the houses give the impression that they are small or narrow but she was telling me that they are actually big and spacious inside.

So I'm torn between the place in D.15 and the one on Ballyer. The emails they send out and all about first come first served like they are trying to pressurize us into making a quick offer or something, but what I think ill do if possible is view all 3 properties then make an offer, hopefully they'll let me do that. Hope its not a case of you dont take one at time of viewing and if you decline then cant go back on it.

I rand DCC on Friday and they said they are only starting to send offers out at the moment so im hopeful theyll offer more than the 3 I picked. FTB1975 was askingwhy I didnt submit the HPL1 form, but I only filled out the short form for Dublin City Council only and they didnt really ask for information except to sign a form and the 50 quid, didnt apply to SDCC or any more of them, but the offers I have seem to be from all of the coucils in one.

Looks like ive alot of work to do :))
they do look small from the outside but inside they are actually really big! the council is being pushy because they are just trying to get rid of the back log of properties they have. if you want the house, i'd just keep on at them, make sure you have everything in order ie documents, mortgage approval etc and tell them that you are ready to buy immediatly
Yeah ive looked through the forum to see what people are saying, will probably do bit more research. I think the Clifden houses would be more practical than an apartment as I've a small child. I too have the impression that the coucil wants to get rid of the houses but at the same time, there would be 40 applicants viewing the houses and out of them im sure most will snap them up this time round so I feel under bit of pressure.

I've been onto Paul in EBS and he has to send me out the mortgage application form. Need to get my employer to fill in docs and send into him this week, he will probably need to email me the approval in principle by saturday as thats when the apartment viewing is.

Can I ask something, did you have lots of savings when applying for the mortgage with EBS, to be honest I dont have that much, bar my month salary which came in yesterday and my gf doest get paid til next week.

Im just scared they might decline the mortgage or something like that,
Im thinking to get a lend off family so it looks like theres savings in the account, as im paying 1200 per month rent and the mortgage over 35 years is just 900 per month so its easily affordable on just one persons wages.

I suppose DCC is not open the weekend so will call Yvonne or Evan again on Monday to enquire, I know if I am offered Clifden and make an offer, it would probably not be ready to move into until March 2010 probably which I'm fine with as long as I know everything is underway.
march 2010?? where did you get that date from??? the houses are ready and waiting to be moved into!! we had savings because we werent spending that kind of money on rent - they'll understand that you have 1200 outgoings on rent, just once you have a regular income you should be fine.
Try email Yvonne - she's really good at responding fast and really helpful with questions you might have.... you don't know how many or few are going to go for the houses and more importantly, how many of the people interested will actually get the mortgage with the way the banks have gone!

its ok, i was addicted too when i got my offer :)
Hi Trevorku,
I had my SSIA account as my savings....from reading your post you submitted the short form application which your right doesn't look for any other infor other tha myour 50 quid! I filled in the long form and they look for evidence of approx. 600 -700 euro savings a month, but will take any rent you pay into account also....however if I were you I woldn't worry. No one is buying AH properties anymore so there are loads of them to get rid of, plus your circumstances i.e having a child may go in your favour.
I called DCC today and the skank on the phone told me that if I dont take the apartment in Royal Canal Park on Saturday then she said I'd be thrown to the bottom of the list, I think she was talking crap, I told her I had an interest in other properties and she basically said that I was offered one, and there was other people waiting to get it if I wasnt interested. Do you think she was using a bullying tactic to pressurize me into taking the apartment?
Hi Trevorku,
Don't mind her DCC are obviously under pressur to shift these vacant apts and RCP has had a huge back-out rate from what 've heard.

You can decline RCP and 2 more offers before you go back to square one.....I accepted Belmayne initially back around June 08, backed out 3 months later when I heard it was unlikely the development was ever going to be completed. In the same week as informing DCC I was refusing Belmayne, I received a letter for a 1 bed in marrsfield, another letter for 2 bed in Marsfield, a phone call for a 1 or 2 bed in RCP and then another phone call for a 2 bed in Richmond Hall. Essentially that's 5 offers after one refusal.....I refused RCP and accepted Richmond Hall, so formally refused 2 and accepted RH.

If I were you I would hold can accept RCP and pay your 3k deposit and then back out if you get offered Clifden Rd, which you seem very keen on. Your 3k deposit will be transferred to whatever property you decide to go with.

I'd say DCC are blue in the face with people backing out of the AH scheme and really it was only to be expected....if they're valuations and price reductions were more in line with what's happeing in the ecomomy they might have more luck shifting these vacant units.

One word of advice if you are looking at developments this weekend....ask how many of the units are already sold, either privately or thru AH. If not all are sold you will have a nightmare as regards the management company etc.

Best of luck
Hi Guys,

Just went to the viewing at Ashtown today, tried to make an offer on number 26 but it was reserved so looks like Ashtown wont be counting us as one of their neighbours,,, depressed on the way home we went to Clifden to spy in the windows.

We saw in the window of the house where it says Lisney Office, it looks fab inside,,, did I just say fab? Okay but its because it was, from the outside the size is very decieving.

I've emailed Yvonne to hopefully inform me as soon as viewing comes up from Clifden,, deposit ready and everything. The viewing for Clifden should be coming up in the next 2/3 weeks so we will have to wait and see what happens.
Hi so the viewings have been sent out to us today for Clifden, due Friday however this is catch, the houses cost 230k on the AH scheme however I've been told they are only valued at between 235k - 250k now. So was told this could be problem with the bank giving us the full amount and they may not be able to give us more than 80% now appartently. If this is the case, the houses arnt really being sold at an affordable price versus the market value.

Is anyone else in the same boat as me on it? Its quite a dilemma to think about as the bank may not give me 100% despite getting AIP? Please help.

- Trevor
Hi Trevorku,
Wo do you have your AIP with? Most banks are only giving 80% on the MV for Affordable Housing properties. Your AIP means nothing really so I wouldn't be relying on your offer being the same amount.

I had the same lender valued the apartment at 290K so I was finally only offered 232K...8K short of the AH purchase price. Luckily DCC also reduced the purchase price from 255K to 240K otherwise I would'nt have had a hope.

You could see if DCC will reduce the asking price, thats what you really need to happen in order to secure your mortgage...,even if they re-value the apartment it won't matter, it's the purchase price that needs to come down.
Yes Emma, went to the viewing, lucky I checked back here, coz wasnt notified by email that this thread was updated grrr. You probably saw all of us waiting patiently outside the showhouse for hours. I made an offer on one of the houses facing the park. Just inches away from the bustop which is grand.

We picked the A type, same as showhouse and we are very happy with it, of course the problem is that the banks arnt giving 100% for then mortgages anymore, I know the houses were priced at 310k last year but this year they are only valued at 235k, isnt that mad?? The Affordable price was 220k. Can I ask how much your affordable price was last year? So basically this morning I frantically rang all the banks, they offer 80%, 90%, 97% but no 100% so the only option for us is to go down the route of shared ownership which we are currently doing, just trying to get forms signed by our jobs, tax, social welfare, yada yada.

I paid the deposit anyway but im smashed for the next two weeks. There were 6 people in front of me in the queue for the houses, then 1 or two stragglers showed up towards the end. So basically everyone that was there got offered at least some house on Clifen Terrace, needless to say nobody took any of them around Croftwood Green, we tried to walk around there to look but was shouted at by a 5 year old houligan so I said whats the point to view them if thats what the neighbours kids are like, I'm happy with the one we chose anyways.

So hopefully if we get approved for the shared ownership loan, then you will have a bunch of new neighbours, pretty much all the houses were taken on the street we will be on. However there were one or two vacant houses not on offer, which was odd, apparently the rest will be sold for private sale.

If only we were offered last year, we would have no trouble with the bankds :( Im getting ahead of myself, already started pricing floors and appliances.