Clearing an Ulster Bank Mortgage


Registered User
My mortgage is part of the cohort not yet transferred by UB. Sent off a draft 2 months ago and forms to pay off the outstanding balance and aside from a phone call asking me where the funds came from, not heard anything since.

Just wondering does anyone have any idea how long it normally takes for Ulster (or any other bank) to complete the overall pay off process. We were never in arrears or anything so it's a bog standard normal tracker mortgage.
Contact and ask for a redemption figure as it would have changed since you last spoke to them. You will have to wait for a hard copy in the post. If you sent them back up on where the funds came from then they should have cleared the balance by now.
Contact and ask for a redemption figure as it would have changed since you last spoke to them. You will have to wait for a hard copy in the post. If you sent them back up on where the funds came from then they should have cleared the balance by now.
Got all of that and sent if off around 2 months but aside from the phone call, nothing,
Got all of that and sent if off around 2 months but aside from the phone call, nothing,
Contact your bank where you got the draft prepared and ask them if it has been cashed by the bank. That should have been processed by now. Definately pick up the phone and keep details of date time and who you spoke to. Ask why there is a delay. Also look Ulster bank online and if the mortgage balance is still there then they have not cleared the payment against your mortgage.
Just to update on what has happened.
  • Rang Ulster on the Feb 29th, very helpful Scottish chap (these are all being dealt with out of Edinburgh is my understanding) looked it up on line and basically said "oops, this should have been sorted by now, sorry" and set the wheels in motion. he said a letter would be sent out confirming all on March 1st
  • Access to the account on the Ulster Bank Apps was removed overnight so if anyone is in this position, make sure if you need anything from the app that you have it downloaded
  • Because of the delay, we had made 2 additional monthly payments, they were returned to our bank account March 13th
  • letter dated March 1st arrived yesterday, March 14th confirming all is done
  • Deeds to follow by month end via registered post.

We will be writing to the bank seeking a return of any interest payments due to them letting it sit there for longer then they needed to but once they did get moving, it was all pretty seamless.
I paid off my mortgage at the end of February, but still haven't received my deeds. How long should I be expected to wait?