Classic car insurance - other car needed!


Registered User
Hi All,

I have looked at other posts but cannot find the answer to this.

I have had classic car insurance through FBD for the last few years and all has been fine. I have received my renewal documents and they now have a new requirement - another car insured in my own name.

We are a one car family (not counting the classic) and the main car, while owned by me (ie in my name), is insured in my wife's name at the moment. As a result, when the renewal documents arrived, I got concerned. I have since spoken to another insurance company and it they are the same - I need to have another car insured in my name in order to get classic insurance.

Dont get me wrong, I understand why they are doing this as I am sure there are (a few) people using a classic car as their daily driver and just paying classic insurance, so they need to clamp down on it.

However, in my case this does not apply. I have no need to a 'daily driver' as I get public transport to work and if I need to go anywhere else I use our main car - not the classic.

Further evidence that I am not trying to abuse the system is that I recently decided to put the classic car in storage until it reaches the 30 year mark and reduced tax rates (2 years to go!!). So I couldn't have it as a daily driver even if I want to. What I have done if I need a car and my wife has the family car is that I use a Go Car.

Despite all of this, the insurance companies are saying I cannot get classic insurance for my car, so it seems the only options are 1. do not insure it and take a chance nothing happens when in storage 2. buy another car so I have something else in my name (ludicrous idea) 3. insure it normally under my name but then get hammered on the premium for a 28 year old car with a 3.0 L engine that I wont be using (also ludicrous).

Has anyone else had this experience and found a solution? Any help appreciated, thanks!
I completely understand why they are doing it also.

I had until recently cover with "Friends First" i think it was, a limited mileage policy.
You start with X amount and use 2,3,or 4000 klm. Anything over what you purchase, and you will not be covered. I think they now use a tracking device to monitor Kilometers used.
Would you not insure the main car in your name and put wife as named driver?
Thos: The main car is in my wife's name this year and will be in my name next year. We used to have two main cars (but as you can see above I didn't need one) so we alternate each year to maintain the no claims bonus - insurance company actually recommended that and are happy for us to do it.

Newtothis: Its so obvious, I had not thought of it! I will check, however, I do remember when I took the FBD policy out first for the classic, I had to be the owner, so they may insist she is the owner. May be worth looking in to though! Thanks!