cie strike

I didnt mean to place balme on Irish rail as a company...i do however blame irish rail for not putting on alternitave transport for its customers, yes it was the train drivers that caused the disruption an they have no support or understanding from me but as a company the responsibility lies with them to provide transport for its customers one way or another. Although in saying that, to my knowledge, and i could be wrong, Dub Bus, Bus eireann and irish rail were all part of the same company - CIE, But bus Eireann and Dublin bus provided no support for Irish rail either as a sister company by not allowing rail passengers to use their train tickets (Annual). I do commend Irish rail for sticking by their guns and not allowing the train drivers to command the suitation by not entering talks until services were resumed! And although i may disagree, no drivers were sacked/suspended indefinatly from their jobs.
Looks like Irish Rail, and by extension ourselves the taxpaying public, have bent over for the unions again. Another great day for the taxpayer.
Does anyone know if the trains were running from Monday? My boss here went to Dublin from Cork on Monday and said the new trains were nowhere to be seen.