cie strike


Registered User
god i hate these semi state unions,they went on wildcat strike today because they want even more money to drive a slightly different train.was due to travel by train at lunch time and now i gotta get a coach.damn these greedy feckers.
The labour court already ruled against them in january but no the unions have to strike and blackmail the hardworking paye private sector worker.
Bearishbull, you know how difficult it is to get used to a new car when you buy one. The higher levels of comfort are no compensation for the confusion and disorientation caused when sitting into that new car for the first time. I always demand compensation myself from car retailers for this, so I can't see how train drivers are any different.
In fairness to them, i can understand why they are striking but at a huge inconvience to me!! Got the train this morning from Athy and heard nothing about a strike until it arrived in Heuston and aan announcment was im all but stuck with no way to get home if they dont put the evening trains back on!!! And As a company Iarnrod Eireann have made no arrangements for passengers who use their services daily nor have they said they would compensate anyone who has to make other travel arrangments...I have an annual ticket which €46 is deducted from my wage weekly....for me to get the bus home this afternoon (which may not be possible for me to leave early enough from work to catch it) it is €11 one way and if the strike continuse its €50 for the week...which in turn is costing me about €100 for the week to get to and from work!!! Im up the wall at the moment and Iarnrod eireann have advised those who need to travel to contact the company...which would probally prove very interesting to se what they are going to say,that is if i could actually get through as the phone line just rings once and then the line goes ead! Being trying all morning!...Rant over...hopefully!:)
They should not be holding an unofficial strike though - it puts countless people out of pocket not to mention reduces productivity for the public sector when folks simply cannot use any other mode of transport.
If I went on strike just because i did not want to adopt something new i would be told whistle.
So how much €€€ will enable them adopt these new trains? because i reckon it could all boil down to this.
I don't think its fair to tar all semi-state unions with the one brush. In fairness, its appalling that they can go on unofficial strikes like that but you don't see other semi-state workers doing the same. I hope the company sticks to their guns and deducts the time lost from their wages. It puts public sector employees in a difficult situation as well - you don't have to work in the private sector to use public transport. My sympathies to anyone who was inconvenienced by it.
aonfocaleile said:
I don't think its fair to tar all semi-state unions with the one brush. In fairness, its appalling that they can go on unofficial strikes like that but you don't see other semi-state workers doing the same. I hope the company sticks to their guns and deducts the time lost from their wages. It puts public sector employees in a difficult situation as well - you don't have to work in the private sector to use public transport. My sympathies to anyone who was inconvenienced by it.

i tar all unions with the same brush, they to more harm than good in my eyes, i am in the same boat and got to dublin yesterday morning only to find out i had no way home. i had to take a half day off work to make sure i got a bus as i was signing for my mortgage yesterday and had to be home.

I was up this morning at 5.30 to drive up and will prob be here until after 7 tonight to avoid the traffic going down as well.

I pay €44 a week for this "service". 2 drivers who have already been paid for driving these trains go off on a mad one on another issue being dealt with and now it rolls over all of us, i'd love the media to get their names and ask them to justify their actions.

I hate unions, all of them, they take money every week from hunderds of thousands of people and do damn all with it apart from the cosy weekends away for the delegates and then when something like this happens where are they, its their moral duty to ask the drivers to make this an offical strike or go back to work, but after 24 hours they have done neither.

After all we all want better conditions, but not to want to drive new trains when you look at the state of the rest of them is a joke:rolleyes:

This reminds me of the carry on film where they all went on strike because there was a match on they were going to miss, oh weren't cork city playing at home last night ??? or did the toliet roll run out in the jacks !!!!
Travelling toward town from Blackrock on the DART during the week. The ticker on the train that is supposed to advise you of the next stop was reading "next stop Greystones".
Grizzly said:
Travelling toward town from Blackrock on the DART during the week. The ticker on the train that is supposed to advise you of the next stop was reading "next stop Greystones".

sorry but compared to the stuff at the moment thats something of nothing. at least you had a train:(
Irish Rail are not blamesless in this. They KNEW LAST WEEK that introducing those trains would cause this action. They did not warn the public because it suits them politically to inconvenience the public
Why should anyone get more money for an improvement in their working conditions?
here here! (Though I wonder if I could claim a few bob for the fact that my pc in work was upgraded a few weeks ago? Using the new mouse took a bit of getting used to! :rolleyes: )

Or should that be 'hear hear' - never quite sure?
jdwex said:
Irish Rail are not blamesless in this. They KNEW LAST WEEK that introducing those trains would cause this action. They did not warn the public because it suits them politically to inconvenience the public

so what should be done then, buy the trains and just leave them there until the drivers are in the mood to drive them, the labour court made a ruling on jan 12 which stated that drivers had already been paid for the introduction of these as far back as 2000.
Ron Burgundy said:
so what should be done then, buy the trains and just leave them there until the drivers are in the mood to drive them, the labour court made a ruling on jan 12 which stated that drivers had already been paid for the introduction of these as far back as 2000.

I don't support the drivers at all.

What I am saying is that Irish Rail knew last week there would be industrial action this week, and in my view deliberately omitted to warn passengers.
jdwex said:
I don't support the drivers at all.

What I am saying is that Irish Rail knew last week there would be industrial action this week, and in my view deliberately omitted to warn passengers.

no there was a press release about it on their web site last friday according to newstalk this morning.
On speaking with irish rail i asked if buses were to be put on today for their customers and they said no as Bus Eireann and local transport can not loan out the amount of buses needed at such short notice...!!! When i told them that the strike had been on since yest and they should have presumed and prempted that it would continue today or at least severly disrupt services and they could have arranged something they had nothing to say so i pushed a little harder and asked if passengers were to be reimbursed for the extra traveling expences i ws told yes as long as i send in a copy of my annual pass and any bus/petrol/luas recipts i had to encur to get to work!...might ease the blow a little as once again im stranded today after getting a lift from Athy as far as the red cow and then to the Luas and am already stressing about getting home! Might be worth calling them and checking about the reimbursment but i was told yes! Was also told that after the cancellation of talks this morning ...the suitation for the rest of this week at least is not looking good and was told not for the first time to "Cross my fingers & hope for the best"!!!!!At the moment they cant even guess if the trains in two hours time are going to run!!!
Sarah said:
On speaking with irish rail i asked if buses were to be put on today for their customers and they said no as Bus Eireann and local transport can not loan out the amount of buses needed at such short notice...!!! When i told them that the strike had been on since yest and they should have presumed and prempted that it would continue today or at least severly disrupt services and they could have arranged something they had nothing to say so i pushed a little harder and asked if passengers were to be reimbursed for the extra traveling expences i ws told yes as long as i send in a copy of my annual pass and any bus/petrol/luas recipts i had to encur to get to work!...might ease the blow a little as once again im stranded today after getting a lift from Athy as far as the red cow and then to the Luas and am already stressing about getting home! Might be worth calling them and checking about the reimbursment but i was told yes! Was also told that after the cancellation of talks this morning ...the suitation for the rest of this week at least is not looking good and was told not for the first time to "Cross my fingers & hope for the best"!!!!!At the moment they cant even guess if the trains in two hours time are going to run!!!
Why are you blaming Irish Rail? This is 100% the fault of the drivers
Ron Burgundy said:
I hate unions, all of them, they take money every week from hunderds of thousands of people and do damn all with it apart from the cosy weekends away for the delegates
Strange - I thought that the members paid their subs voluntarily and could cancel their subscriptions at any time if they aren't happy that they get value for money?
unofficial strikes are bad news for everybody. most public service workers dont go on strike for the sake of it. (few exceptions) ie last Christmas the CWU warned well in advance of a possible official strike and it was settled before damage was caused. I too thought that the lrc had settled the issue of new ( and longer ) trains and working arrangements for new pay agreements. Notice that the Dundalk/Drogheda route not affected. anything to do with the fact that a private bus company has practically wiped bus eireann out on the route?
If the strike lasts any longer there is a danger it will spread to the other depots and the entire system will be out of action.