Christmas Likes and Dislikes


1. Time off work to spend with wife & kids
2. As above
3. As above (is there a message in there....)
4. Kids excitement re Santa (though this isnt all you'd expect - think had a thread on this last year)
5. Reading by the fire
6. Meeting rest of the family (lucky that we all live nearby & meet up regularly so not a reunion in that sense)


None really - the shopping bit doesnt stress me too much - I'm sure wife has a theory on that.....
Christmas party could take or leave - depending on the form in the week or 2 preceeding!
I'm not mad into all the kitsch & campness (or the socialising - I'd average 1.8 nights per Christmas over the last decade) but it doesnt bother me either.

On the spending issue, the kids do pretty much get what they look for, and then some, BUT they're kids, Santa doesnt go on forever, its not borrowed money so I've no guilt about spending it - in my book pressies for the kids would come only after the food, mortgage & utilities in terms of priority & this year Done Deal has come into play, so value for money too! Overall I dont see why other peoples spending should be such an annoyance, assuming you're not suffering unkind comparisons for your relative thrifyness (sp?).

Would go along with most of this. Overall I love Christmas time, especially spending time with the family (immediate and extended). If there is one thing I don't like it's the ever increasing list of ads for shops which are unimaginative, kitsch and just far too long (I'm talking about those for the supermarket chains specifically).
Dogs farting after being fed turkey; Aaaahh, it wouldn't be Christmas without it.
Would go along with most of this. Overall I love Christmas time, especially spending time with the family (immediate and extended). If there is one thing I don't like it's the ever increasing list of ads for shops which are unimaginative, kitsch and just far too long (I'm talking about those for the supermarket chains specifically).

But there are some stunning ads. The John Lewis ad is my favourite this year. I also like the boots one.
I must remember next year that the tins of Roses and Quality Street that went on sale everywhere for half price were never actually full price! Also the quality of the Quality Street were very poor. I also must remember that on Christmas Eve both Aldi and Lidl were selling everything at half price from opening time. We picked up a lovely fresh turkey for €5.99.
Finished off the last of the ham and turkey yesterday. Thank God for Vol-au-Vents. Still a lot of other stuff to go.
Took down all the decorations today and back in boxes. Tomorrow back up in to the attic for another year. This job gets worse every year as I get older. Only for the children, grandchildren and tradition I think I would head off to sunny Spain or somewhere for the Christmas. Any suggestions?