Christmas AAM drinks?

It is possible that some posters do actually know each other in the non-cyber world.How did meet-ups go in the past...I mean were they just a few pints or did they turn into sessions?
No, there's no p***-up.
I went a few years and I think it was me, one or two other plebs, and a few Moderators (with a capital M).

How did it go? (seriously now)

Any "rules" - did you go by your real names etc?
What went wrong - did people say they were going and then not turn up or what?

Maybe people were scared they would be discussed or in some way exposed afterwards on the site...?
It went fine, I wouldn’t name names but basically it was all very civilised. A good chat was had by all. There were no rules per say, I think people introduced themselves by their real name and when they realise that they are not talking to a psycho (or in my case when I had them fooled) they might give their AAM name.
How did meet-ups go in the past...I mean were they just a few pints or did they turn into sessions?

I think that it's been well established on AAM that it's best not to dwell on past performance ...

Will discussion of property prices be allowed at the AAM Christmas drinks?
Will discussion of property prices be allowed at the AAM Christmas drinks?

No, each table will have a moderator sitting at it who will nip that in the bud. That and any discussion of individual share prices or speculation about the identity of AAM posters :D
It could make for an interesting pub competition - as people walked in the door towards the AAM area, others could try to guess who they may be!

Okay, it might only be interesting after a few glasses....!!