Childish Neighbour

Good point Paulone - never thought it would be an issue building a wall if it was within the boundaries of my house. Might just have to take the bull by the horns and speak to him so just to save him having more to complain about!
Is this a privately managed estate? If so then there may be management company rules against erecting walls/fences on the open plan frontages of houses. That is the case in our estate.
No its not privately managed Clubman however its a fairly new estate all the same.
Legally, Clubman is right,, it's his driveway and he can park whereever he likes.

Reasonably speaking, he seems to be a bit of a git. If you come home first and park first (in the only place you have to park) and then he arrives later and deliberately parks so close to your car that you can't get in the door (too close imo, if closer than a normal carpark space permits) while also having enough space in his driveway to make this unnessessary, then this is entirely unreasonable and hints at him being a git.

Did you ever have conflict before ?
Why does he leave room in his drive while parking tight to your car ?
Is your driveway significantly narrower than his? Or your car significantly wider?
Would it help if you reversed into your drive so that your passenger side is alongside your neighbour's passenger side?
Obviously the thing that would help most if everybody was considerate of everyone else, but unfortunately that often doesn't happen.
Both driveways are reasonably wide - although his would be a little wider. We've never had any conflict before we'd always bid each other the time of day but that all stopped a few months ago. Since then he's decided to park his car extremely close to mine:confused:
Both driveways are reasonably wide - although his would be a little wider. We've never had any conflict before we'd always bid each other the time of day but that all stopped a few months ago. Since then he's decided to park his car extremely close to mine:confused:

What happened a few months ago to warrant his change in behaviour?
You could solve everything by getting one of these although I wonder how he would take it you stepping on to his property when exiting the car.

I would personally drawn a 4" yellow line down the boundary and leave it at that. If you can't fit your car in without stepping on to his property reverse in.
Considering that 'Both driveways are reasonably wide'. What I want to know is why the OP is parking in such a way that it is possible for the neighbor to block their car door. It would mean that the OP (or their car) is trespassing on the neighbor’s property every time they are getting in/out of their car.
Both driveways are reasonably wide - although his would be a little wider. We've never had any conflict before we'd always bid each other the time of day but that all stopped a few months ago. Since then he's decided to park his car extremely close to mine:confused:
So why not just park your car further away from the boundary? Problem solved? Why do you expect HIM to do this?
his driveway his huge so i've no idea why he insists on parking so close to my car
When I park my car there is enough space for both driver and passenger to exit/enter. However, this guy just insists on parking right on the edge of his driveway which in turn means that if he comes in after me I find it difficult to get in the drivers side of my car.
Maybe so Clubman but it might get him to utilise his driveway space a little better!