Cheque problem - please help

Excellent link Towger. It would scare the living daylights out of you. Would love to know if he pursued it and how he got on. What really strikes me from that story is where were all the bank staff who knew what was going on and did nothing about it and didn't help that poor man. Even if they wanted to turn a blind eye they could have secretly posted him the information he needed to fight the banks.

I know the strength of the banks and sometimes it's better to walk away.

That story reminds me of the following and this is only about 15 years ago, it's not about banks but it does involve money:

I have a relation who started a holiday accommodation business (in direct competition with state institutions who did same) in a popular tourist town in Ireland. Also arranged for bureau de change facilities. Everything was going fine for a couple of weeks - them zoom, not allowed to have the bureau de change facilities anymore. State body contacted the office that offers bureau de change (whom they also did mega business with) and that was the end of that. So much for anti competition laws!