QQI shows ACA as level 9, equivalent to a masters. https://qsearch.qqi.ie/WebPart/RecognitionDetails?recognitionCode=532Just a point of correction, membership if the ACA is not equivalent to a masters degree. Membership of ACA, CPA or ACCA are degree level qualifications
If you phone your accountancy institute or QQI - they will clarify that for you.
"Professional qualification of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Ireland - QSearch" https://qsearch.qqi.ie/WebPart/RecognitionDetails?recognitionCode=533
Nobody is suggesting changes in the regulation of the profession.
Backwards thinking achieves little. Becoming the largest professional body on the island should indeed bring benefits
I have no doubt synergies can be achieved. Then again, I live for the present and future and not in the past
Chartered Accountants Ireland are already the largest accountancy body on the island.
From what has been proposed, the synergies would seem to be to the benefit of CPA. As we all remember from our studies, 90% of mergers fail to achieve the synergies needed.